Open Eyes Open Mind

I'll try to post interesting things... jokes, software, deals, photos, articles, etc. check weekdays for updates ;-)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

گفتگو با خدا

گفتگو با خدا
گفتم: چقدر احساس تنهایی می‌كنم …
گفتی: فانی قریب
     .:: من كه نزدیكم (بقره/۱۸۶) ::.
 گفتم: تو همیشه نزدیكی؛ من دورم… كاش می‌شد بهت نزدیك شم …
گفتی: و اذكر ربك فی نفسك تضرعا و خیفة و دون الجهر من القول بالغدو و الأصال
     .:: هر صبح و عصر، پروردگارت رو پیش خودت، با خوف و تضرع، و با صدای آهسته یاد كن (اعراف/۲۰۵) ::.
گفتم: این هم توفیق می‌خواهد!
گفتی: ألا تحبون ان یغفرالله لكم
     .:: دوست ندارید خدا ببخشدتون؟! (نور/۲۲) ::.
 گفتم: معلومه كه دوست دارم منو ببخشی …
گفتی: و استغفروا ربكم ثم توبوا الیه
     .:: پس از خدا بخواید ببخشدتون و بعد توبه كنید (هود/۹۰) ::.
 گفتم: با این همه گناه… آخه چیكار می‌تونم بكنم؟     
گفتی: الم یعلموا ان الله هو یقبل التوبة عن عباده
     .:: مگه نمی‌دونید خداست كه توبه رو از بنده‌هاش قبول می‌كنه؟! (توبه/۱۰۴) ::.
 گفتم: دیگه روی توبه ندارم ...
گفتی: الله العزیز العلیم غافر الذنب و قابل التوب
     .:: (ولی) خدا عزیزه و دانا، او آمرزنده‌ی گناه هست و پذیرنده‌ی توبه (غافر/۲-۳ ) ::.
گفتم: با این همه گناه، برای كدوم گناهم توبه كنم؟ 
گفتی: ان الله یغفر الذنوب جمیعا
     .:: خدا همه‌ی گناه‌ها رو می‌بخشه (زمر/۵۳) ::.
 گفتم: یعنی بازم بیام؟ بازم منو می‌بخشی؟
گفتی: و من یغفر الذنوب الا الله
     .:: به جز خدا كیه كه گناهان رو ببخشه؟ (آل عمران/۱۳۵) ::.
 گفتم: نمی‌دونم چرا همیشه در مقابل این كلامت كم میارم! آتیشم می‌زنه؛ ذوبم می‌كنه؛ عاشق می‌شم! …  توبه می‌كنم
گفتی: ان الله یحب التوابین و یحب المتطهرین
     .:: خدا هم توبه‌كننده‌ها و هم اونایی كه پاك هستند رو دوست داره (بقره/۲۲۲) ::.
 ناخواسته گفتم: الهی و ربی من لی غیرك     
گفتی: الیس الله بكاف عبده
     .:: خدا برای بنده‌اش كافی نیست؟ (زمر/۳۶) ::.
 گفتم: در برابر این همه مهربونیت چیكار می‌تونم بكنم؟
گفتی:یا ایها الذین آمنوا اذكروا الله ذكرا كثیرا و سبحوه بكرة و اصیلا هو الذی یصلی علیكم و ملائكته لیخرجكم من الظلمت الی النور و كان بالمؤمنین رحیما
.:: ای مؤمنین! خدا رو زیاد یاد كنید و صبح و شب تسبیحش كنید. او كسی هست كه خودش و فرشته‌هاش بر شما درود و رحمت می‌فرستن تا شما رو از تاریكی‌ها به سوی روشنایی بیرون بیارن . خدا نسبت به مؤمنین مهربونه (احزاب/۴۱-۴۳)

فيلم قرائت شعر طنز «خواهی بیا ببخشا، خواهی برو... بپیچان!»

فايل ويديويي و متن شعر نیما دهقانی شاعر و طنز پرداز جوان كشورمان كه در
همايش «موج سوم» به ميزباني «پویش دعوت از خاتمی»
قرائت شد و مورد استقبال گسترده حاضرین قرار گرفت، در ادامه آمده است.
«پويش دعوت از خاتمي» از شما پويشگران عزيز درخواست
مي‌كند قايل ويديويي زير را از طريق ايميل و بلوتوث در اختيار
ايرانيان بيشتري قرار دهيد. در ادامه مي‌توانيد ضمن مشاهده اين گزارش
ويديويي، آن را به دو فرمت مناسب براي رايانه‌ها و تلفن‌هاي
همراه دانلود كنيد.

دانلود کنید

(حجم 8.44 مگابایت)

Wal-Mart shoppers who trampled NY worker - Yahoo! News

Sought: Wal-Mart shoppers who trampled NY worker - Yahoo! News

Wal-Mart Worker Trampled To Death

Play Video
At least four other people, including a woman who was eight months pregnant, were taken to hospitals for observation or minor injuries. The store in Valley Stream on Long Island closed for several hours before reopening.

Police said about 2,000 people were gathered outside the Wal-Mart doors before its 5 a.m. opening at a mall about 20 miles east of Manhattan. The impatient crowd knocked the employee, identified by police as Jdimytai Damour, to the ground as he opened the doors, leaving a metal portion of the frame crumpled like an accordion.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving: Free Software We're Most Thankful For

Thanksgiving: Free Software We're Most Thankful For: "Free Software We're Most Thankful For
By Gina Trapani, 6:00 AM on Thu Nov 27 2008, 27,321 views

Dear free software developers: Before we American nerds sit down to our turkey and mashed potatoes today, know that your creations are at the top of the list of things we're most thankful for. Whether you're an indie hacker putting out the occasional script or an employee at a giant internet company building out a webapp with millions of users or a voluntary coder contributing to an open source project, we salute you this Thanksgiving in gratitude for all the things your work enables us to do every day. Short of covering you in candied yam kisses and cranberry sauce hugs, please accept our hearty thanks for your work. We like you. We really, really like you."

Remember everything. | Evernote Corporation

Remember everything. | Evernote Corporation

Evernote Logo
Remember Everything - Capture what you like. Find it when you want.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Will Your Guy Cheat on You? -- Yahoo!

Dating 101: Will Your Guy Cheat on You? -- Yahoo! Personals
Dating secretWhen you're dating a guy, you can forgive him for some indiscretions, but it's nearly impossible to turn the other cheek if he strays. Well, Cosmo did some investigating to ascertain the traits that may make men more likely to cheat, and some of our findings were surprising eye-openers.
But before you freak, realize that just because he possesses characteristics of a mangy scoundrel doesn't mean he's actually cheating on you. "You have to listen to your gut as well as read the clues," says Gary Aumiller, Ph.D

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Love to Know

LoveToKnow Best
Computers and Software

* Best Free Web Mail
* Best Digital Video Editing Software
* Best DVD Burner Software
* Best Web Tools
* Best Music Download Sites
* Best Search Engines
* Best Software Downloads
* Best ISP

Thursday, November 20, 2008

About Robert Sher

Robert SherRobert
Sher is the principal of

CEO to CEO and collaborates with and guides business leaders as they
navigate critical passages. Author of The Feel of the Deal; How I Built A
Business through Acquisitions. His CEO
case study columns have been widely published, including in the
East Bay Business Times
and the San Jose Business
. Many of his case studies can be found

Robert Sher
serves as a Director for the Alliance
of Chief Executives
. He
was most recently CEO/President and a founder of
Bentley Publishing Group. At
the helm from 1984 through 2006, this industry leading decorative poster publishing firm has
grown significantly, including four acquisitions since 1999.

Robert is an M&A specialist for the wall decor
industry. He writes a regular column for
Décor magazine and
Hobby Merchandiser, and is
a founder and Chairman of the Art Copyright
, a worldwide organization fighting to stop copyright infringement
of visual artists.

Services Provided For You


Strategic Thinking Session

CEO's Personal Auditor
M & A Advice
Data Analyst and Strategy to Systems Bridge
Business Planning and Meeting Facilitation

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jame'e Mohandesan-

نقويم آموزشي فصل پاييز 87

Iranian institute of industrial engineering


مباني، تشريح الزامات و مستندسازي ISO 9001:2000






آشنايي با مباني و واژگان استاندارد ISO9001:2000 ،رويكرد فرايندگرايي،
تشريح الزامات استاندارد ISO9001:2000 ، ونحوه مستندسازي سيستم‌ مديريت

تصاویر ازدواج پسر احمدی‌نژاد و دختر مشایی

تصاویر ازدواج پسر احمدی‌نژاد و دختر مشایی


Project Management Site:

Drink Water or Don't Drink Water with Meal???

10 - پرخورى

از پرخورى بپرهيزيد تا تندرست بمانيد.

امیرالمومنین (عليه السلام ) فرمودند:

يا كميل ! شكمت را از خوراك پر مكن ، براى آب هم جا بگذار و براى هوا ه قرار بده ، تا اشتها دارى دست از خوراك بردار،

اگر اين كارها را انجام دادى خوراك بر تو گوارا گردد، همانا تندرستى با كم خوردن و كم نوشيدن است .

(تحف العقول ، ص 66)

- نوشيدن بين غذا

سعى كنيد در بين غذا آب نياشاميد

امام رضا (عليه السلام ) فرمودند:

هر كس بخواهد كه معده اش ناراحت نشود، در بين غذا آب نياشامد تا وقتى كه خوردن غذا پايان پذيرد.

هر كس در هنگام خوردن طعام آب بخورد، بدنش مرطوب و معده اش ضعيف گردد و رگ ها جوهر و قوت غذا را نمى گيرند.

(مستدرك الوسائل)

حدیث هفته

امام باقر (ع) فرمود : هر بنده اى در دلش نقطه اى سفيديست كه چون
گناهى كند. خال سياهى در آن پيدا شود، سپس ‍ اگر توبه كند آن سياهى برود، و اگر از
گناه دنبال گيرى كند، آن سياهى بيفزايد تا روى سفيدى را بپوشاند، و چون سفيدى
پوشيده شد، ديگر صاحب آن دل هرگز به خير نگرايد و همين است ، گفتار خداى عزوجل :
(نه چنين است ، بلكه آنچه مرتكب شدند بر دلشان زنگارى بست ، 14 سوره 83)
اصول كافى جلد 3 صفحه 375

امام صادق (ع) فرمود
: پدرم على (ع) ميفرمود : خدا حكم قاطع و حتمى فرموده كه نعمتى را كه به بنده اى
مرحمت فرموده از او باز نگيرد، مگر زمانى كه بنده گناهى مرتكب شود كه به سبب آن
مستحق كيفر و عذاب گردد. اصول كافى جلد 3 صفحه 375

سماعه گويد : شنيدم
امام صادق (ع) مى فرمود : خدا نعمتى به بنده اى نداده كه از او بگيرد جز آنكه گناهى
كند كه به خاطر آن سزاوار سلب نعمت شود. اصول كافى جلد 3 صفحه 376

اميرالمؤ منين عليه السلام فرمود : دردى دردناكتر از گناه براى دل نيست ، و
ترسى سخت تر از مرگ نيست ، و گذشته براى انديشيدن (و عبرت گرفتن ) بس است و مرگ
براى اندرز دادن كافى است . اصول كافى جلد 3 صفحه 377

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How To BPM Your Music

How To BPM Your Music
Tools for counting the BPM
Useful Software

BeatMaster (
I prefer the older versions (I have v4.4) because you don't need to
stop & clear the counter between tracks. BeatMaster will stop
counting after a few seconds of inactivity, then when you start tapping
again it will began from 0,00.

AutoBPM (

Useful Websites
There are quite a few websites with searchable databases of BPMs contributed by users. Two of the better ones are:

BPM Database (


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bush Montage (Composed of Soldiers Killed in Iraq) | Incredimazing

Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Want to boost your metabolism even while
you’re sleeping? Here are four simple way to do it and two major
no-no’s to help you stay on a fat burning course that continues
to work even when you’re hard at office work or fast asleep. Now
who can beat that - burning fat, not muscle, without going to the gym
or sweating a drop?

Pentagon Clears Flying-Car Project For Takeoff

"DARPA has announced a 'Personal Air Vehicle Technology' project.
It will 'ultimately lead to a working prototype of a military-suitable
flying car — a two- or four-passenger vehicle that can "drive on
roads" one minute and take off like a helicopter the next. The hybrid
machine would be perfect for "urban scouting," casualty evacuation and
commando-delivery missions, the agency believes.' Wired has the summary of the project."

5 Cool Websites To Procrastinate at Work Like a PRO

5 Cool Websites To Procrastinate at Work Like a PRO


(1) Vanishd - Hide One Webpage Behind The Other


(2) WebToMail - Get Websites by Email


(3) TwitterMail - Post to Twitter via Email


(4) MoDazzle - Facebook, LinkedIn, Weather, Stocks and more.

Read At Work

(5) Read At Work

Unhappy people watch TV, happy people read-socialize

A new study by sociologists at the University of Maryland concludes
that unhappy people watch more TV, while people who describe themselves
as very happy spend more time reading and socializing. The study
appears in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research.

Analyzing 30-years worth of national data from time-use studies and
a continuing series of social attitude surveys, the Maryland
researchers report that spending time watching television may
contribute to viewers' happiness in the moment, with less positive
effects in the long run.

"TV doesn't really seem to satisfy people over the long haul the way
that social involvement or reading a newspaper does," says University
of Maryland sociologist John P. Robinson, the study co-author and a
pioneer in time-use studies. "It's more passive and may provide escape
- especially when the news is as depressing as the economy itself. The
data suggest to us that the TV habit may offer short-run pleasure at
the expense of long-term malaise."

Vanishd - Hide One Webpage Behind The Other

Make your co-workers, bosses, and friends think you’re working.
What if you could cover any webpage with a fake word document or even
the Google homepage and peek through a small window to surf Youtube or
some other site without anyone seeing. Enter Vanishd.

Complete guide to speeding up your pcs startup

The Complete Guide to Speeding Up Your PC's Startup

You just hit the power button your PC, and now you've got enough
time to brew a fresh pot of coffee for the entire office—because
that's how long it takes for your computer to go from "on" to "ready to
work." If your PC's bogged down by a bunch of programs that
automatically start up when it does, it can take forever to get started
every morning. Without a major hardware upgrade, there's not much you
can do to cut the time it takes for Windows to actually boot—but
you can trim and tweak the amount of time it takes for your desktop to
get to a working state. Let's take a look at a few ways you can cut
your Windows' desktop's loading times using built-in utilities and
third-party tools.

The YouTube Presidency

The YouTube Presidency

By Jose Antonio Vargas

The White House has gone YouTube.

Today, President-elect Obama will record the weekly Democratic
address not just on radio but also on video -- a first. The address,
typically four minutes long, will be turned into a YouTube video and
posted on Obama's transition site,, once the radio address is made public on Saturday morning.

The address will be taped at the transition office in Chicago today.

20 Great Online Image Editors

20 Great Online Image Editors - Upload your image to this free image editor and take advantage of their numerous tools and then save it either to your disk or to the Web in your choice of formats.

Sarah Palin 'could star in Desperate Housewives' - Telegraph

Sarah Palin 'could star in Desperate Housewives' - Telegraph
Hollywood PR agent Hal Lifson said series creator Marc Cherry was "very hot to trot to have (Palin) appear on the season five finale", the New York Post claims.

"Marc is highly enamoured of Sarah and sees her as the ultimate guest star [playing] a similar version of herself," he said.

"The idea has gone over surprisingly well with execs at Disney, who see it as a blockbuster based on Sarah's huge ratings on 'Saturday Night Live."

However, fans of John McCain's old running mate will be sorry to hear that an ABC spokesman said there was "no truth" in the rumour.

Marc Cherry has declined to comment.

During the campaign, the Alaksan governor famously referred to herself as a "hocky mom".

How to Wrap Large Cords and Hoses

How to Wrap Large Cords and Hoses

DIY home web site FineHomebuilding has a nice guide demonstrating how
to wrap large cords and hoses for clutter-free storage while avoiding
twists and kinks. With a medium-gauge cord, for example:

The Masdar Initiative - Green City in UAE

The Masdar Initiative
In April 2006, Abu Dhabi took a bold and historic decision to embrace renewable and sustainable energy technologies.

As the first major hydrocarbon-producing nation to take such a step, it has established its leadership position by launching the Masdar Initiative, a global cooperative platform for open engagement in the search for solutions to some of mankind's most pressing issues: energy security, climate change and truly sustainable human development.

مراحل ورود ایرانی ها به دبی

مراحل ورود ایرانی ها به دبی :
۱- خرید مشروبات الکلی به میزان سگ مستی
۲- پسرها : پوشیدن شلوار کوتاه به همراه تیشرت های استین حلقه ای
دخترها : پوشیدن تاپ های کوتاه و ...
۳- خوردن مشروب با هروعده غذایی و همچنین بین وعده های غذایی ..
۴- گرفتن عکس به میزان وحشتناک زیاد
۵- فیلمبرداری کردن از اماکن حتی عمومی و معمولی !
۶- خریدن سوغاتی برای کل جد و آباد
۷- در صورت امکان رفتن به دریا و بیرون ریختن خود و همچنین برنزه کردن
۸- فرار از بقیه ایرانی ها به طرزوحشتناک !!
۹- اس ام اس بازی با ایران و ارسال خبر های لحظه به لحظه ...
۱۰-مخصوص خانم ها : سر کردن روسری فقط در صورت تذکر مهماندار
و نیم ساعت قبل از فرود ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

He lost more than 375 lbs in 4 years

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lose Weight Tips

lose_weight : 1. Start the day with one 8 oz. Glass of
2. Remember your ABCs – All Bites Count.
3. Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.
4. To avoid snacking while cooking or baking, drink water or chew gum.
5. Build a food “treat” into your food allowance every day.
If vulnerable to snacking later in the evening, floss and brush your
teeth. This will deter you from putting anything else in your mouth.
Track what you eat, calories, and other things in a journal daily. You
can use it to find problems that may be hindering your success.
After dinner, clean up the kitchen and turn off like lights. If you
feel the urge to eat something, you might think twice about actually
doing so.
9. Before indulging, ask yourself: Do I really want this and is it worth it in the end?
...............Follow the four Ps for Success. Plan – Prepare – Practice – Prevent.

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex

The health benefits of sex extend well beyond the bedroom. Turns out sex is good for you in ways you may never have imagined.

Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Feature

Reviewed by
Louise Chang, MD

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is
boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy
. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.

نامه نگاری

تعریف template: فرم های آماده ای که تایپیست ها قبلا آنها را آماده کرده و از آنها استفاده می کنند. در برنامه دیدگاه این قابلیت وجود دارد که این فرم ها را برای هر دپارتمان به طور جداگانه تعریف کرد. این امر باعث می شود شخص در هر کامپیوتری بتوانند از این فرم های آماده که ما آن را template می نامیم استفاده کند.

روش تهیه template :template ها به دو نوع داخلی و ارسالی تقسیم بندی می شوند. منظور از template های داخلی template هایی هستند که مخاطب آنها شخصی در سازمان است و از اتوماسیون اداری استفاده می کند و نامه خود را دریافت می کند. اینگونه template ها باید دارای سربرگ باشند و با توجه به حجم متن از نوع A5 یا A4 استفاده شود. مانند:

Google Book Search

Three years ago, the Authors Guild, the Association of American
Publishers and a handful of authors and publishers filed a class action
lawsuit against Google Book Search.

Today we're delighted to announce that we've settled that lawsuit
and will be working closely with these industry partners to bring even
more of the world's books online. Together we'll accomplish far more
than any of us could have individually, to the enduring benefit of
authors, publishers, researchers and readers alike.

It will take some time for this agreement to be approved and
finalized by the Court. For now, here's a peek at the changes we hope
you'll soon see.

شيوه نامه مكاتبات اداري

حوزه ی ریاست دانشگاه
تعريف نامه اداري: هر نوشته اي كه حاوي يك يا چند موضوع اداري بوده و به عنوان وسيله ارتباط در داخل و خارج سازمان مورد استفاده قرار گيرد.

مشخصات نامه اداري: ويژگيها و مشخصاتي كه نامه هاي اداري را از ساير نامه ها متمايز مي سازد عبارتند از : شماره – تاريخ- عنوان واحد گيرنده- عنوان واحد فرستنده- موضوع- نام و عنوان امضاء كننده نامه- امضاي نامه بوسيله شخص صلاحيتدار- تهيه و نگارش نامه روي كاغذهاي اداري – رعايت ضوابط نامه نگاري

تنظیم وصیت نامه

سایت رسمی سرکنسولگری جمهوری اسلامی ایران در مونیخ
نظر به ضرورت تنظيم وصيتنامه بعنوان يک اصل شرعى و فرهنگى براى هر فرد مسلمان و لزوم آشنائى هموطنان عزيز مواردي به شرح ذيل اعلام مي گردد :

وصيتنامه :

موضوع وصيتنامه در مواد 825 الى 860 قانون مدنى مطرح که ذيلا به اهم انها اشاره ميگردد و سپس انواع وصيتنامه (رسمى - عادى - سرى ) توضيح داده ميشود .

ماده 825 - وصيتنامه بر دو قسم است : تمليکى و عهدى

ماده 826 - وصيت تمليکى عبارت است از اينکه کسى عين يا منفعتى از مال خود را براى زمان بعد از فوتش به ديگرى مجانا تمليک کند . وصيت عهدى عبارتست از اينکه شخصى يک يا چند نفر را براى انجام امر يا امورى يا تصرفات ديگرى مامور مينمايد . وصيت کننده موصى ، کسى که وصيت تمليکى به نفع او شده است موصى له ، مورد وصيت موصى به کسى که به موجب وصيت عهدى ولى بر مورد ثلث يا بر صغير قرار داده مى شود وصى ناميده مى شود .

ماده 837 - اگر کسى به موجب وصيت يک يا چند نفر از ورثه خود را از ارث محروم کند وصيت مزبور نافذ نيست .

ماده 843 - وصيت به زياده بر ثلث برکه نافذ نيست مگر به اجاره وراث و اگر بعضى از ورثه اجازه کند فقط به سهم او نافذ است .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods

Weight Loss - Weight Loss Diets with Negative Calorie Foods
Negative calorie foods are said to use more calories to digest than the calorie content of the foods themselves, resulting in a negative calorie balance. It is therefore natural to consider a diet containing these foods for weight loss.

The secret to losing weight is to eat and drink the right kind of foods until you are satisfied. Skipping of meals is not the answer 
for weight loss, it can rather deteriorate your health. A healthy weight loss diet plan should include vegetables, fruits, grains,
lentils and beans in your diet. Following is a sample daily diet plan that is good for keeping healthy weight and good health, irrespective
of whether you follow a diet plan with negative calorie foods or not.

- Skim milk and skim yogurt.
- Salads or boiled vegetables or vegetable soup as starter.
- Whole-wheat bread/tortila, whole grain cereal and rice.
- Whole grains like kidney beans, chick peas and lentils.
- Lightly cooked green vegetables.
- Any dessert with minimum sugar.
- Lean variety of meat (it is better to avoid).
- The dinner should be light. If you had bread for lunch then have
rice for dinner.

Include as much negative calorie foods as possible in the above diet plan. If you are meat eater, choose from a lean variety and restrict
to one serving in a day.

Weight Loss - Fat Burning Foods

Weight Loss - Fat Burning Foods
Are there any foods that burn body fat? If yes, how is it possible? It should be possible to lose weight by simply eating such foods. What are these foods? The fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the calorie content of the foods itself. There are certain foods which actually burn more fat than the calorie content of the food itself. These fat burning foods or so called negative calorie foods are natural plant foods. Fruits rich in vitamin C like limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit and tangerines have fat burning properties. Some of the other fat burning foods are asparagus, beet root, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, apple, blueberries, and watermelon. It you eat these fat burning foods and do some exercise, it will boost your metabolism and burn calories at a faster rate for several hours even after exercise. A recent research reports that calcium in dairy products can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. If you compare a dairy-rich versus a dairy-poor diet you can nearly double the rate of weight and fat loss with the same level of calorie restriction. Not eating enough will slow your metabolism and deteriorating your health. Note that in order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done by eating negative calorie foods. This will help your body burning up the excessive stored fat.Fat Burning Foods

عکس های تصادف عجیب و احمقانۀ در تهران !!!

پاسداران – 14 آبان 1387

Iran Returns to the Global Stage

Iran Returns to the Global Stage

Graphic for Geopolitical Intelligence ReportAfter a three-month hiatus, Iran seems set to re-emerge near the top of the U.S. agenda. Last week, the Iranian government congratulated U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on his Nov. 4 electoral victory. This marks the first time since the Iranian Revolution that such greetings have been sent.

While it seems trivial, the gesture is quite significant. It
represents a diplomatic way for the Iranians to announce that they
regard Obama’s election as offering a potential breakthrough in
30 years of U.S. relations with Iran. At his press conference, Obama
said he does not yet have a response to the congratulatory message, and
reiterated that he opposes Iran’s nuclear program and its support
for terrorism. The Iranians returned to criticizing Obama after this,
but without their usual passion.

Fake Hadis on Obama... Funny :-D

Research is found in PDF format Here!!

Subject: Congratulation all Democrats... .

Firstly Congratulation, to all those people who supported Barack Obama. -- and
now the news which has spread like wild fire...

The question has made the rounds in Iran since last month, when a pro-government Web site published a Hadith (or
tradition) from a Shiite text of the 17th century.

The tradition comes from Bahar al-Anvar (meaning Oceans of Light) by Allama Majlisi, a magnum opus in 132 volumes and the basis of modern Shiite Islam.

According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib (the prophet's cousin and son-in-law) prophesied that at the End
of Times and just before the return of the Mahdi, the Ultimate Saviour, a "tall black man will assume the reins
of government in the West." Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler in the West will carry "a clear
sign" from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."

In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names-- Barack Hussein--mean "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us," the magic formula in Majlisi's tradition.


The Facts:

In respond to wide spread of the mentioned hadith,
i made a through research on the mentioned issue by means of the full text of
Behar & Kamal, and with aid of softwares. You could see the
summary of findings in the attached PDF file in Persian.

A summary of this file in English:

1) The mentioned hadith is 100% fake
2) The mentioned hadith is seems to be a Joke or something like that,
which spreaded millions of times through emails & weblogs without any quote
on it
3) The mentioned hadith once used in a translated Sci-Fi Novel which published
last year in Iran, the author of novel referred to Christianity texts as his
4) Nobody has seen the "Arabic" text of this hadith & all
reference to it even by arab media was through the Persian text & hence
re-translation into arabic.
5) The Chapter 30 of Volume 13 of Behar was quoted as the reference, for
your information volume 13 of Behar has only 19 chapters.
6) The hadith forger used the intro text of a hadith describing the
Sofyani and later replaces his words in the body of text.
7) Everybody acknowledges that there's some ahadith in Behar with week
references or even wrong context, but the mentioned alleged hadith is really
fake & forged. As some could hardly go through all these volumes in a
traditional way, but with today technology & softwares it's just a waste of
time to make such funny & fake ahadith.

I demand you to forward this email in respond to anyone got the same Joke!

Eletemase doa

Interesting Quotes

We can have facts without thinking but we cannot have thinking without facts.
- John Dewey
The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised.
- George F. Will
are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating: people who
know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.
- Oscar Wilde

Can Anyone Halt The Mortgage Meltdown?

Can Anyone Halt The Mortgage Meltdown? Street and Washington come together to help troubled mortgage borrowers. Too late?

Fifteen months into the worst credit crisis in decades, major banks
and the federal government are coming together on a solution for
struggling mortgage borrowers.

The goal is to hasten the process
for renegotiating hundreds of thousands of delinquent loans, either
those held by major banks or held by Fannie Mae


) and Freddie Mac


), the mortgage finance giants that faltered and were taken over by the government this summer.

HTC Fuze

HTC Fuze

HTC Fuze

HTC has been busy refining its
TouchFLO-powered Windows Mobile smartphones. For the uninitiated,
TouchFLO is a graphical shell that represents HTC's attempt to smooth
over Windows Mobile's interface and make it more finger-friendly. After
introducing some traditional PDA-style devices, like the Touch, with early iterations of TouchFLO, the company branched out into sliders, such as the Touch Dual and more fashionable designs like the Touch Diamond. The HTC Fuze is the latest to sport the company's trademark interface—and this time on AT&T.

After banning YouTube, military launches TroopTube

After banning YouTube, military launches TroopTube SEATTLE (AP) -- The U.S. military, with help
from Seattle startup Delve Networks, has launched a video-sharing Web
site for troops, their families and supporters, a year and a half after
restricting access to YouTube and other video sites.

as the new site is called, lets people register as members of one of
the branches of the armed forces, family, civilian Defense Department
employees or supporters. Members can upload personal videos from
anywhere with an Internet connection, but a Pentagon employee screens
each for taste, copyright violations and national security issues.

On the Net:

As unemployment surges Barack Obama will have to take some awkward economic decisions

As unemployment surges Barack Obama will have to take some awkward economic decisions

IT HAS been a sobering end to the week for Barack Obama. In his
first two days after winning election he was greeted by a 10% plunge in
the stockmarket. Then on Friday November 7th he got the news that
unemployment had shot up to a 14-year high of 6.5% in October and
non-farm employment had plunged by 240,000 from September.

The headlines are bad enough, but the details of the report paint an
even more alarming picture: they suggest that the pace of erosion in
the labour market is accelerating, and that it had begun to do so
before the failure of Lehman Brothers in mid-September sharply worsened
the global financial crisis.

رایس: با ایران مذاکره می کنی

رایس: با ایران مذاکره می کنیم

کاندولیزا رایس

کاندولیزا رایس در این مصاحبه گفت سیاست های جورج بوش باعث شده که وضعیت منطقه خاورمیانه بهتر شود

کاندولیزا رایس، وزیر امور خارجه آمریکا می گوید کشورش آماده است بر سر برنامه هسته ای ایران با این کشور مذاکره کند.

خانم رایس در مصاحبه ای با بی بی سی گفت اگر ایران کار بر تاسیسات هسته ای خود را متوقف کند، آمریکا هر لحظه آمادگی گفتگو با آن
کشور را دارد.

اما وی هشدار داد که چنین گفتگوهایی نباید زمینه ادامه کار بر روی سلاح های هسته ای را برای ایران فراهم بیاورد.

Mr. Rabbani's Departure

To Him We Belong and To Him We Shall Return

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Br. Reza Rabbaniʼs Father, Br. Rabbani was studying in West Coast.

We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and ask Godʼs mercy on the deceasedʼs soul.
There will be a service held at Al Reza Mosque on Niloofar Square. On Wednesday 22nd of Aban 1387from 15:15 to 16:45.

Your participation will be a comfort for those left behind, to the soul of the departed, and will be highly appreciated.

تنها سفیر زن ایران درگذشت

مهرانگیز دولتشاهی اولین و تنها زن ایرانی که به عنوان سفیر ایران منصوب شده بود، در سن ۹۱ سالگی در پاریس درگذشته است.

خانم دولتشاهی در دوره ای که عباسعلی خلعتبری وزیر خارجه ایران بود، به عنوان اولین سفیر زن عازم سفارت ایران در دانمارک شد و
تا زمان پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی به این ماموریت ادامه داد.

بازداشت یکی از اعضای کمپین یک میلیون امضا

بازداشت یکی از اعضای کمپین یک میلیون امضا

کمپین یک میلیون امضا

بنیانگذاران کمپین یک میلیون امضا معتقدند که قوانین ایران تبعیض آمیز و ناعادلانه است

عشا مومنی، از فعالان حقوق زنان و عضو کمپین یک میلیون امضا، هفته گذشته در تهران بازداشت شد.

به گزارش وب سایت میدان خانم مومنی شش روز پیش به اتهام سرعت غیرمجاز در یکی از بزرگراه های تهران توسط پلیس راهنمایی و رانندگی
بازداشت و به بند ۲۰۹ زندان اوین منتقل شد.

وب سایت میدان علت تاخیر در اطلاع رسانی را خواسته خانواده خانم مومنی اعلام کرده است.

کردان: به شورای ایرانی-آمریکایی مجوز نمی دهی

علی کردان | ايران | کردان: به شورای ایرانی-آمریکایی مجوز نمی دهیم

علی کردان وزیر کشور ایران اعلام کرد تحت هیچ شرایطی مجوز تاسیس دفتر شورای ایرانی-آمریکایی از سوی وزارت کشور صادر نخواهد شد.

با این وجود آقای کردان در جمع خبرنگاران گفت تا این لحظه هیچ درخواستی در خصوص این موضوع به وزارت کشور نیامده است.

John McCain: 'I've Been Sleeping Like a Baby'

John McCain: 'I've Been Sleeping Like a Baby' - 2008 Presidential Elections, Jay Leno, John McCain :
John McCain: 'I've Been Sleeping Like a Baby'While he may have lost his bid for the White House, John McCain did not lose his sense of humor.

"I've been sleeping like a baby," the GOP candidate said on The Tonight Show Tuesday. "I sleep two hours, wake up and cry. Sleep two hours, wake up and cry."

The Arizona senator's 14th visit to the show brought a loud and spontaneous ovation from Jay Leno's special Veteran's Day audience of U.S. service men and women.

Noting that Americans "don't like a sore loser," McCain defended his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate and of Joe the Plumber as his campaign everyman.

Asked why he thought he lost, he deadpanned: "I think my personality. Or maybe too many people saw me on the Jay Leno show."

Iranian Cartoons on web

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some recommended workout music mix

Pon De Replay (Hey Mr. DJ): Rihanna
My Hips Don't Lie: Shakira
Temperature: Sean Paul
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine): R.E.M.
Rocky IV (Eye of the Tiger): The Pop Group
Start Me Up: The Rolling Stones
Sleepwalking: Seven Mary Three
Love's Divine: Seal
Cherub Rock: The Smashing Pumpkins
It's Beginning To Get To Me: Snow Patrol
Born To Run: American Boys
Pump Up The Jam: Technotronic
Harder To Breathe: Maroon 5
This Love: Maroon 5
Smells Like Teen Spirit: Nirvana
Rag Doll: Aerosmith
Lose Yourself: Eminem
Pump It: Black Eyed Peas
Dirt Off Your Shoulder: Jay-Z
Family Affair: Mary J. Blige
Rich Girl: Gwen Stefani
Hollaback Girl: Gwen Stefani
Ex-Girlfriend: No Doubt
Mickey: Toni Basil
Say It Right: Nelly Furtado

ride like the wind
hey mickey
mony mony
power of love
walking on sunshine
whip it
everybody have fun tonight
invisible touch
good vibrations
bust a move
too legit 2 quit
ice ice baby (hah!)
i've got the power
Push The Button by Sugababes
Say I (Maurice Radio Edit) by Christina Milian
Don't Cha (Ralphi's Hot Freak Mix) by The Pussycat Dolls
Only U (Kelly G's Club Mix) by Ashanti
Boyfriend (Garcia & Page Remix) by Ashlee Simpson
Music Gets The Best Of Me by Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Red Dress (Dennis Christopher Vocal Mix) by Sugababes
Sweet Dreams My LA Ex (BMR Peaktime Mix) by Rachel Stevens
Love Machine (Tony Lamezma Mix) by Girls Aloud

We Will Become Silhouettes 135
Sacred Heart 146
Take it or Leave it 153
Such Great Heights 174
Gone Daddy Gone 165
Mr. Brightside 150
Jacqueline 175
Finding Out True Love is Blind 153
Once Around the Block 168
When the Sun Goes Down 170
I Predict a Riot 160
Don't Look Back Into the Sun 175
Wet Blanket 147
I'm Not Okay 180
Fell in Love with a Girl 188
Hounds of Love 168
Let's Get Lost 183
Gangsters and Thugs 169
Mass Destruction 168
Lover I Don't Have to Love 159
Rehab 146

Rock 'n Roll (Live) 144
Spanish Bombs 149
Radio, Radio 150
You Better You Bet 164
Break on Through 185
Kick It Out 148
Brown Eyed Girl 150
Third Uncle 183
Landslide 164
Fire 162
Paint it Black 163
Alone Again Or 175
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 167
Andy Warhol 169

I Believe In a Thing Called Love - The Darkness
Technologic - Daft Punk
Anthem - Good Charlotte
Our Time Now - Plain White T's
Down With The Sickness - Disturbed
Kiss Kiss - Chris Brown
Don't Stop The Music - Rhianna
Low - Flow Rida
Clumsy - Fergie
Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
anything Black Eyed Peas
Lovestoned - Justin Timberlake
London Bridge - Fergie
Breath - The Prodigy
Black Betty - Ram Jam
Maneater - Nelly Furtado
Sleep Now in a Fire - Rage Against the Machine
Lala - Ashlee Simpson
Thnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
Damn Girl - Justin TImberlake
Were going down - Fall Out Boy
Call Me When You're Sober - Evanessence
Move Along - All American Rejects
Ayo Technology - 50 Cent/Justin Timberlake
All Jacked Up - Gretchen Wilson
Kerosene - Miranda Lambert
Gunpowder and Lead - Miranda Lambert

I'm Gonna Get Stabbed - Glasvegas
My Big Mouth - Oasis (140)
Whatever Get's Through the Night - John Lennon
Asterick - M83 (160)
ANYTHING BY THE GO! TEAM (Grip Like a Vice, Huddle Formation)
You Are What You Is- Frank Zappa
Futurism - Muse (158)
Prayer - Burial (164)
Apocalypse Please - Muse (163)
D'You Know What I Mean - Oasis (160)
Capital G - Nine Inch Nails (164)
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window-Beatles (163)
Chupacabras - Super Furry Animals (161)
All the Young Punks - The Clash (152)
Half Life - Sneaker Pimps (155)(seems slower)
Lucky and Unhappy - Air (150)
Roygbiv - Boards of Canada (84) (really nice heavy beat, good for running)
Daddys Gone - Glasvegas
Power to the People - John Lennon
All of these tracks are awesome. by friggin' cool musicians too. download them. especially frank zappa.

Word Destruction 140
Anything 154
Age of Consent 165
Reptile 157
Dark Entries 170
Stand and Deliver 143
Spirit Walker 163
Go! 175
Blister in the Sun 188
Mirror in the Bathroom 170
I Wanna Be Sedated 163
Boys Don't Cry 169
People Who Died 187
This Corrosion 152
Alex Chilton 165
Going Underground 178
Spellbound 148
Los Angeles 184
Hairdresser on Fire 135

Space Age Love Song (140 BPM)
Tainted Love (143 BPM)
Just Like Heaven (153 BPM)
Right by Your Side (167 BPM)
The Metro (170 BPM)
Girl You Want (171 BPM)
Do You Wanna Hold Me (139 BPM)
Sex Dwarf (149 BPM)
Cool Places (162 BPM)
Is That Love (164 BPM)
Always Something There to Remind Me (149 BPM)
Don't Change (165 BPM)
C'est Impossible (158 BPM)
Christine (160 BPM)
Give Me Back My Man (165 BPM)
Reptile (157 BPM)
Shock The Monkey (148 BPM)

When You Were Mine (143 BPM)
Veronica (154 BPM)
Dancing with Myself (177 BPM)
Come Dancing (152 BPM)
Freeze Frame (187 BPM)
Vacation (158 BPM)
I'm So Excited (183 BPM)
Beats So Lonely (157 BPM)
Maneater (170 BPM)
Take On Me (169 BPM)
Mickey (150 BPM)
Maniac (157 BPM)
Modern Love (180 BPM)
Heartbreaker (157 BPM)
Karma Chameleon (186 BPM)
Queen of Hearts (170 BPM)
Back on the Chain Gang (154 BPM)
C*n Feel the Noize (143 BPM)

Big hands small feet