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Monday, September 25, 2006

Do the Math: Will Sony Go Broke?

.:: ESH Reviews: Do the Math: Will Sony Go Broke? ::. Bringing You the Only Video Game and Anime Podcast and Blog Run by Sistah's:

"Want a PS3? Work a Little Harder!

So you want to save Sony. What can you do?

Well, as Sony's Kutaragi says, you need to work a little harder and make a little more money.

Stop complaining that the PS3 costs $600. It doesn't. In order to cut down on its losses, Sony is liable to do the same thing to consumers that it did 11 years ago at the original Playstation launch -- it'll require that you buy two games in order to get a machine. That'll boost the price for you to around $725 or so.

But there's more! Want an HDMI cable? That'll be another $100 to $125. Now we're at $850 or so. You've got a Blu-ray player, so you'll want a few Blu-ray movies -- Sony titles only, of course. Buy six of them while you're at it! At an average list price of $25 each, we're talking another $150. That pushes our total price to an even $1,000.

That'll go a long way to saving Sony.

Now who's going to save you?"


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