Open Eyes Open Mind

I'll try to post interesting things... jokes, software, deals, photos, articles, etc. check weekdays for updates ;-)

Friday, April 28, 2006

President: Iran willing to move in accordance with IAEA rules, as always - Irna

President: Iran willing to move in accordance with IAEA rules, as
always - Irna

"Making that dream come true is quite easy today because all the preconditions for it are at already hand, and all we need to do is to remain united and work hard for it."

ايران گزارش محمد برادعی را مجموعا قابل قبول ارزيابی کرد

به گفته صادق صبا، گزارشگر بی بی سی که در تهران به سر می برد، آقای سعيدی سعی کرد به اين گزارش واکنشی مثبت نشان دهد و گفت که محتويات آن به طور کلی برای ايران قابل قبول است.

وی گفت که مسائل باقی مانده مهم نيستند و ايران آماده است به آنها پاسخ گويد. اين مقام ايرانی پافشاری کرد که گزارش آقای برادعی ملامت بار نيست و اينکه مساله مربوط به برنامه اتمی ايران بايد در چارچوب آژانس اتمی سازمان ملل حل شود.

وی گفت بررسی پرونده ايران در شورای امنيت سازمان ملل غلط است.

"هر گونه پيشرفتی در اين زمينه نيازمند شفافيت کامل و همکاری کامل ايران است."

از جمله ديگر يافته های اين گزارش:

  • ادعای ايران داير بر غنی سازی اورانيوم با خلوص پايين ظاهرا صحت دارد
  • ايران در آزمايش های جداسازی در مقياس کوچک از پلوتونيوم اعلام نشده استفاده کرده است
  • ايران از دادن اطلاعات بيشتر در مورد مسائل کليدی از جمله برنامه های سانتريفوژ خودداری کرده است

آن گونه که در اين گزارش آمده، ايران پيشنهاد داده است که به شرط اينکه رسيدگی به پرونده اتمی اش تنها در چارچوب آژانس بين المللی انرژی اتمی بماند و به شورای امنيت سپرده نشود، حاضر است برخی پرسش هايی را که درباره برنامه اتمی اش مطرح است پاسخ دهد.

متن کامل گزارش البرادعی در مورد برنامه صلح آمیز هسته ای ایران - Irna

متن کامل گزارش البرادعی در مورد برنامه صلح آمیز هسته ای ایران - Irna
Part 2
Part 3

Remote Administration For Windows - Windows administration tricks and tips.: Disable USB Drives

Remote Administration For Windows - Windows administration tricks and tips.: Disable USB Drives

We wrote a program to do it for you(Download)

Rice, Rumsfeld in Separate Orbits in Baghdad

Rice, Rumsfeld in Separate Orbits in Baghdad:

"BAGHDAD, April 27 -- A full 10 seconds of silence passed after a reporter asked Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld what the intense secrecy and security surrounding their visit to Iraq signified about the stability of the country three years after the U.S.-led invasion. Rice turned to Rumsfeld to provide the answer. Rumsfeld glared at the reporter.

'I guess I don't think it says anything about it,' he snapped. He went on to say that President Bush had directed him and Rice to go to Iraq to 'meet with the new leadership, and it happens that they are located here,' a reference to the heavily fortified Green Zone where U.S. officials -- and many Iraqi leaders -- live and work." - Bush: Diplomacy 'just beginning' on Iran - Apr 28, 2006 - Bush: Diplomacy 'just beginning' on Iran - Apr 28,

UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- President Bush said Friday that diplomatic efforts are "just beginning" concerning Iran after a U.N. nuclear watchdog agency's report found Tehran in breach of a deadline to halt uranium enrichment.

In its eight-page report, the IAEA said that while it has not found evidence in Iran of "diversion of nuclear materials" -- a reference to making weapons -- the agency is "not in a position to rule out anything at undeclared facilities," according to diplomats.

On Friday, the president of the United Nations General Assembly, Swedish Foreign Minister Jan Eliasson, warned that any military action against Iran could bring "catastrophic consequences both politically and economically," the AP reported.

آژانس انرژی اتمی: ايران خواسته شورای امنيت را اجرا نکرد

آن گونه که در اين گزارش آمده، ايران پيشنهاد داده است که به شرط اينکه رسيدگی به پرونده اتمی اش تنها در چارچوب آژانس بين المللی انرژی اتمی بماند و به شورای امنيت سپرده نشود، حاضر است برخی پرسش هايی را که درباره برنامه اتمی اش مطرح است پاسخ دهد.
همچنين آژانس در گزارش خود تأييد کرده که ايران توانسته است اورانيوم را تا سطح سه و شش دهم درصد غنی سازی کند که برای توليد سوخت اتمی مورد نياز نيروگاه های هسته ای کفايت می کند.
رييس جمهوری آمريکا همزمان با انتشار گزارش آژانس بين المللی انرژی اتمی درباره ايران و پس از ديدار با الهام علی اف، رييس جمهوری آذربايجان در کاخ سفيد گفت که به آقای علی اف اطمينان داده است که خواست وی، يافتن راه حلی مسالمت آميز و ديپلماتيک برای مناقشه هسته ای ايران است.

Interesting site: Face Recognition Tech

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Interesting site: Face Recognition Tech

MyHeritage is one of the world's first services to apply advanced
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ترديد واشنگتن پست در توانايی هسته ای و کارآمدی تأسيسات اتمی ايران

اين روزنامه به نقل از مقاماتی که نامی از آنها نبرده اما بر آگاهی شان از مسائل هسته ای تأکيد کرده نوشته است که دستگاههای سانتريفوژ اورانيوم ايران از کار بازايستاده و تعدادی از آنها به دليل به کارگيری شتابزده، خراب شده اند.

واشنگتن پست همچنين اشاره کرده که غنی سازی سه و نيم درصدی اورانيوم که رئيس جمهور ايران از آن سخن گفته، ممکن است برای توليد سوخت نيروگاه هسته ای کفايت کند اما بسيار پايينتر از سطحی است که در سلاح اتمی قابل استفاده باشد و نگرانی آمريکا را برانگيزد.

يکی از ماموران ارشادی در حال صحبت با يک دختر جوان - عکس از خبرگزاری فارس

دو دختر جوان با مانتوهای کوتاه از خيابان سهروردی می گذرند، ماشين دربست می گيرند و می روند. زير پل سيد خندان، تعدادی دختر جوان با موهای بيرون آمده از زير روسری های نازک ايستاده اند و با دوستان پسر خود خوش و بش می کنند. پاساژهای ميدان محسنی را زنان و دخترانی پر کرده اند که مثل هميشه مانتوهای تنگ و کوتاه پوشيده اند و آرايش های غليظ دارند.

بسياری از منتقدان معتقدند در نظام جمهوری اسلامی با آن که حجاب برای خانم‌ها اجباری است و بی‌حجابی جرم تلقی می‌شود، اما تا کنون حدود و ثغور حجاب مورد قبول نظام به صورت قانونی تعريف نشده و از همين رو، نهادهای مسئول در برخورد با اين پديده طبق سليقه خود عمل می‌کنند.

شرکت مترو "ریزش تونل مسیر میرداماد ظفر" را تکذیب کرد - Irna

شرکت مترو "ریزش تونل مسیر میرداماد ظفر" را تکذیب کرد - Irna

در اين اطلاعيه كه نسخه‌اي از آن روز جمعه در اختيار ايرنا قرار گرفت ، آمده است: فروريختن يك مغازه دوچرخه فروشي با بيش از ‪ ۴۰‬سال قدمت جنب كارگاه قطعه دوم تونل توسعه خط يك متروي تهران در مسير تجريش در خيابان شريعتي، هيچ ارتباطي به تاسيسات تونل يا عمليات ساخت و ساز متروي تهران ندارد.

براساس اين اطلاعيه، فرو ريختن اين مغازه يك طبقه در خيابان شريعتي، حدفاصل خيابان ظفر و خيابان ميرداماد، نامعلوم بوده و افراد مجروح شده در اين حادثه از كاركنان اين مغازه بوده‌اند.

انصارحزب‌الله تهران برای امربه‌معروف داوطلب می‌پذیرد - Irna

انصارحزب‌الله تهران برای امربه‌معروف داوطلب می‌پذیرد - Irna

گروه موسوم به انصار حزب‌الله تهران در اطلاعيه‌اي با عنوان " فراخوان جهت عضويت افتخاري انصارحزب‌الله تهران" كه روز جمعه در ميان نمازگزاران تهراني توزيع كرد، براي گسترش فعاليت‌هاي امر به معروف و نهي از منكر، داوطلبان افتخاري مي‌پذيرد.

به گزارش خبرنگار ايرنا، در اطلاعيه اين گروه آمده است: انصار حزب‌الله تهران به منظور اعتلاي ارزش‌هاي اسلامي و انقلابي و در راستاي گسترش فعاليت‌هاي فرهنگي، اجتماعي و ترويج عملي دو فريضه امر به معروف و نهي از منكر از داوطلبان افتخاري دعوت به همياري به عمل مي‌آورد.

چرا پرهيز از مناقشه تهران و واشنگتن برای باکو دشوار است؟

کمک آذربايجان به متحد استراتژيکش، آمريکا، احتمالا بر روابطش با ايران که برای باکو کم اهميت تر نيست اثر می گذارد.

دو کشور دارای مرز مشترکی هستند که از يکی از بزرگترين ذخاير باقی مانده نفت دنيا می گذرد و تقريبا 20 درصد جمعيت ايران آذری هستند. ديگر اينکه سرمايه گذاری خصوصی ايران در آذربايجان در حال افزايش است و در هر دو کشور، شيعه مذهب غالب است.

درست چند روز پس از ملاقات با جورج بوش در واشنگتن، آقای علی اف در باکو ميزبان محمود احمدی نژاد رئيس جمهور ايران خواهد بود.

و همه اينها بدان معنی است که پرزيدنت علی اف احتمالا خود را در ميانه مناقشه ای بين دو شريک استراتژيکش خواهد يافت.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

تونل مترو میرداماد ظفر ریزش کرد


"براثر ريزش تونل مترو مسير ميرداماد به ظفر عصر پنجشنبه دو كارگر مجروح و دو نفر ديگر نيز در داخل تونل محبوس شدند.

به گزارش خبرنگار ايرنا در پي اين حادثه كه در امتداد خط متروي ميرداماد، حد فاصل ميرداماد ظفر رخ داد، يك مغازه دوچرخه فروشي ويران شد."

صدراعظم سابق آلمان: هیچ سندی دال بر انحراف از برنامه اتمی ایران ارایه نشده است

صدراعظم سابق آلمان: هیچ سندی دال بر انحراف از برنامه اتمی ایران ارایه نشده است - Irna

اشميت در اين مقاله كه در شماره روز پنجشنبه هفته‌نامه آلماني "دي سايت" منتشر شد، افزود: آيت‌الله خامنه‌اي رهبر ايران نيز با صدور فتوايي در اوت سال گذشته (‪ (۲۰۰۵‬توليد و استفاده از سلاح اتمي را ممنوع كرده‌است.

مجلس نمایندگان آمریکا طرحی را بر ضد ایران تصویب کرد

اين طرح، افراد، شرکت ها و کشورهايی را که بيشتر از ۲۰ ميليون دلار در بخش انرژی ايران سرمايه گذاری می کنند، مشمول مجازات های فدرال می کند و نام دولت هايی را که در اين بخش سرمايه گذاری کرده اند از فهرست کمک های دولت آمريکا حذف می کند.

بر اساس اين طرح، اين تحريم ها تا زمانی که ايران در پی دستيابی به سلاح های کشتار جمعی است، ادامه خواهد يافت .

مخالفان اين طرح با مقايسه آن با قطعنامه کنگره آمريکا که در سال ۱۹۹۸ خواهان تغيير رژيم عراق شده بود، می گويند تصويب چنين قوانينی در کنگره راه را برای حمله نظامی به ايران باز می کند.

ولی موافقان اين طرح می گويند در آن هيچ صحبتی از حمله احتمالی به ايران نشده است و از آن به عنوان پاسخی به برنامه هسته ای ايران نام برده می شود.

اين طرح ابتدا بايد به تاييد مجلس سنا و سپس شخص رييس جمهوری برسد تا به عنوان قانون به اجرا گذاشته شود.

Interesting Hadis

هل تريد أن تكون قريباً من الله ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : أقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد فأكثروا الدعاء

هل تريد أجر حجة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : العمرة في رمضان تعدل حجة أو حجة معي

هل تريد بيتاً في الجنة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من بنى مسجداً لله بنى الله له في الجنة مثله

هل تريد أن تنال رضى الله سبحانه وتعالى ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : إن الله ليرضى عن العبد يأكل الأكله فيحمده عليها ويشرب الشربة فيحمده عليها

هل تريد أن يستجاب دعائك ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : الدعاء لا يرد بين الأذان والإقامة

هل تريد أن يكتب لك أجر صيام سنة كاملة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : صوم ثلاثة أيام من كل شهر صوم الدهر كله

هل تريد حسنات كالجبال ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من شهد الجنازة حتى يصلي عليها فله قيراط ومن شهدها حتى تدفن فله قيراطان قيل : وما القيراطان قال : مثل الجبلين العظيمين

هل تريد مرافقة النبي صلى الله علية وسلم في الجنة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : أنا وكافل اليتيم في الجنة هكذا وأشار بالسبابة والوسطى

هل تريد أجر مجاهد في سبيل الله أو صايم أو قائم ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : الساعي على الأرملة والمسكين كالمجاهد في سبيل الله ...وأحسبة قال : وكالقائم لا يفتر وكالصائم لا يفطر

هل تريد أن لا ينقطع عملك بعد الموت ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : إن مات الإنسان انقطع عملة إلا من ثلاث : صدقة جارية أو علم ينتفع به أو ولد صالح يدعو له

هل تريد كنزاً من كنوز الجنة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

هل تريد أجر قيام ليلة كاملة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من صلى العشاء في جماعة فكأنما قام نصف الليل ومن صلى الصبح في جماعة فكأنما صلى الليل كله

هل تريد أن تقرأ ثلث القرآن في دقيقة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : (( قل هو الله أحد )) تعدل ثلث القرآن

هل تريد أن تثقل ميزان حسناتك ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : كلمتان حبيبتان إلي الرحمن خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان (( سبحان الله وبحمده ، سبحان الله العظيم ))

هل تريد أن يبسط لك في رزقك ويطال عمرك ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من سره أن يبسط له في رزقه أو ينسأ له في أثره فليصل رحمه

هل تريد أن يحب الله لقاءك ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من أحب لقاء الله أحب الله لقاه

هل تريد أن يحفظك الله ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من صلى الصبح فهو في ذمة الله

هل تريد أن تغفر ذنوبك وإن كانت كثيرة ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من قال سبحان الله وبحمده في يوم مئة مرة حطت خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر

هل تريد أن يباعد بينك وبين النار سبعين خريفاً ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من صام يوماً في سبيل الله بعد الله وجهه عن النار سبعين خريفاً

هل تريد أن يصلى الله عليك ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : من صلى علي صلاة صلى الله عليه بها عشراً

هل تريد أن يرفعك الله ؟

- قال صلى الله علية وسلم : وما تواضع أحد لله إلا رفعه الله عزوجل


One attractive young businesswoman to another, over lunch:

My life is all math. I am trying to add to my income, subtract from my weight, divide my time, and avoid multiplying.

List of taxes that didn't exist a century ago - Politics at ATS Discussion Community

List of taxes that didn't exist a century ago

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines
(indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax
(42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense
(tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges
(tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties
(tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone mi nimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines
(indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

It is sad, especially knowing that income tax was NEVER supposed to touch the non-rich."

Yahoo! Go - TV - What Is It?

Yahoo! Go - TV - What Is It?

Israel to launch "eye in the sky" over Iran: report |

The Eros B satellite has a camera which can decipher objects on the ground as small as 70 centimeters (about two feet) across, the report said. Eckhaus confirmed the accuracy of the published details to Reuters.

The Yedioth report said that Israel was planning to send up another spy satellite with the ability to view objects in all weather conditions and in darkness. The Eros satellites are effective only in daylight and in clear visibility.

It will orbit the Earth at a height of about 310 miles and will circle the globe roughly every 95 minutes, ImageSat said.

The Eros satellites, which weigh under 770 lb, are among a number of small, lightweight satellites which Israel's space industry has perfected, Eckhaus said.

Israel is only able to launch small satellites westwards over the Mediterranean Sea -- opposite to the Earth's rotation -- because it cannot risk rockets flying over its Arab neighbors to the east or debris falling on their territory.

The satellite manufacturer ImageSat International is partly owned by government-held Israel Aircraft Industries, the country's biggest defense company.

Iran Gets First North Korean-Made Missiles - Yahoo! News

Iran Gets First North Korean-Made Missiles - Yahoo! News

Iran has received its first batch of North Korean-made surface-to-surface missiles that put European countries within firing range.

Israel's military intelligence chief said in an interview published Thursday.

The BM-25 missiles have a range of 1,550 miles and are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, the Haaretz daily reported.

On Tuesday, an Israeli satellite meant to spy on Iran's nuclear program was launched by Russia. The satellite is designed to spot images on the ground as small as 27 1/2 inches, an Israeli defense official said.

Magician David Copperfield robbed after show at Kravis Center

Magician David Copperfield robbed after show at Kravis Center

He made 13 people disappear into thin air during his Kravis Center show Sunday night, but magician David Copperfield couldn't duplicate the feat with armed teens who robbed him and two women near the venue two hours later.

Behind bars today are three Palm Beach Shores boys, all 17, whose names weren't released because of their age, and 18-year-old Dwayne Riley, known on the streets as The Kentuckian. They were charged with armed robbery and held without bail.

According to the police report, this is what happened next: The Malibu pulled up behind the group, and two of the four young men in the car came out holding handguns. One ordered Daly to "give me what you have." Daly handed over $400 from her pockets. Riley, meanwhile, allegedly stuck a gun in Volmut's face and asked for her purse, and she, too, gave it up. In it were 200 euros, $100, her passport, plane tickets and a Razr cellphone.

When Copperfield's turn came, Riley was bamboozled.

Copperfield told Page Two he pulled out all of his pockets for Riley to see he had nothing, even though he had a cellphone, passport and wallet stuffed in them.

"Call it reverse pickpocketing," Copperfield said.

IfEnergy: Loremo on the Edge

IfEnergy: Loremo on the Edge


German Loremo AG (Munich) introduced their ultra efficient car at the 76th annual Motor Show 2006 in Geneva last month, the Loremo. Geneva Motor Show

Even with this added gas mileage Loremo didn't sacrifice speed. The base model Loremo LS is powered by a 2 cylinder 20 hp turbo diesel engine that will reach a speed of 100 mph and the GT model will reach up to 135 mph with a 0 to 60 mph acceleration of 9 seconds.

European Inquiry Says C.I.A. Flew 1,000 Flights in Secret - New York Times

New York Times: "Investigators for the European Parliament said Wednesday that data gathered from air safety regulators and others found that the Central Intelligence Agency had flown 1,000 undeclared flights over European territory since 2001.

Sometimes the planes stopped to pick up terrorism suspects who had been kidnapped to take them to countries that use torture, the investigators added."

Soviet Underground Submarine Base

Architecture Portal News "Soviet Underground Submarine Base
Until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 Balaklava was one of the most secret towns in Russia. 10km south eas of Sevastopol on the Black Sea Coast, this small town was the home to a Nuclear Submarine Base. "
Soviet Underground Submarine Base

Handy programs to put on a USB stick. at

Handy programs to put on a USB stick. at

Card Drive U510, 16GB In Your Wallet

OhGizmo! » Card Drive U510, 16GB In Your Wallet: "The Card Drive U510, from PQI looks like a credit card. It’s almost as thin as a credit card, at 3mm. But, unlike your boring ole plastic, this baby can carry up to 16GB of data. Connects to PCs or Macs, and is USB 2.0 compatible.

Sadly, as pretty much anything else that’s actually cool, it’ll come out in Korea first.

card drive u510


No Alternative to Diplomacy in Resolving Iranian Crisis

"Russia and Germany agree that there is no alternative but to rely on diplomacy and politics to resolve the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program.

A statement from Russian Foreign Ministry reports that Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Lavrov’s German counterpart, met in the Siberian town of Tomsk for a joint program by the Russian-German Business Council."

Iranian Leader Warns U.S. Of Reprisal

Iranian Leader Warns U.S. Of Reprisal: "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has also created concern abroad by repeatedly calling for the end of the Jewish state. On Monday, Ahmadinejad said the 'fake' state 'cannot survive' and urged Israeli immigrants to return to their home countries. He has often called the Holocaust a myth.

'Of all the threats we face, Iran is the biggest,' Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Tuesday as Israel observed Holocaust Remembrance Day. 'The world must not wait. It must do everything necessary on a diplomatic level in order to stop its nuclear activity.'"

Iranian Leader Warns U.S. Of Reprisal

Iranian Leader Warns U.S. Of Reprisal: "The recent statements are 'a war of words,' said Gary G. Sick, a professor of Middle East policy at Columbia University and longtime monitor of Iranian politics. 'Neither side has anything to gain by an attack on the other, but there is a chance of an accident triggering something and that's what makes the situation so dangerous.'"

Exxon Profits Rise, and So Does Congressional Scrutiny - New York Times

Exxon Profits Rise, and So Does Congressional Scrutiny - New York Times: "Bolstered by high oil prices, Exxon Mobil said profits rose 7 percent in the first quarter, even as Congress threatens to punish oil companies for excessive profits at a time of soaring gasoline prices.

The surge in energy costs has jumped to the top of the political agenda as the average price of gasoline recently reached $3 a gallon in many parts of the country. Last week, crude oil prices jumped above $75 a barrel, the highest in over a quarter century."

China Raises Lending Rate to Slow Booming Economy - New York Times

China Raises Lending Rate to Slow Booming Economy - New York Times: "The People's Bank of China, the central bank, announced this evening that effective Friday morning, it was raising the benchmark lending rates that financial institutions may charge customers by 27 one-hundredths of a percentage point for loans of all maturities. It was the same size of increase as the last time China raised rates on Oct. 28, 2004, which in turn had been China's first interest rate increase in nine years."

اميدواری نسبت به گزارش محمد البرادعی "آقای آصفی به خبرگزاری دانشجويان ايران گفت:'ما با آژانس همکاری داشته ايم و دليلی بر منفی بودن گزارش نمی بينيم.'

با اين حال، وی اظهار داشت:' از شواهد و قرائن چنين برمی آيد که آمريکا فشار شديدی روی آژانس بين المللی انرژی اتمی می گذارد تا کار سياسی کند و از کار کارشناسی خودداری کند.'

به گفته وی، اظهار نظر مقامات آمريکايی در روزهای اخير و تاکيد آنها بر منفی بودن گزارش آژانس بين المللی انرژی اتمی بيانگر آن است که در روزهای اخير فشار شديدی از سوی حکومت آمريکا متوجه آژانس شده است."

Daily Horoscope for Leo

You now have the ability to clearly see what is happening at work and to make choices that can alter the direction of your career. It's like the passing of the baton in a relay race, but here you are actually passing it to yourself. Imagine that you have just completed one phase and now you are ready for the next.
Thursday, April 27, 2006"

Interesting Quotes

Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.
- Terry Pratchett

It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours.
- Harry S Truman

When I meet a man I ask myself, 'Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?'
- Rita Rudner

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.
- John Adams"

How to Do a Throw in Soccer - WikiHow

How to Do a Throw in Soccer - WikiHow

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

عروس پستی: نگاهی به ازدواج از راه دور ايرانيان در بريتانيا "همزمان با رشد مهاجرت ايرانيان به کشورهای خارجی و افزايش تمايل آنها به زندگی در اين کشورها، ازدواج از راه دور يا ازدواج غيابی در ايران متداول شده است."

مخالفت مراجع مذهبی با حضور زنان در ورزشگاههای فوتبال "تصميم رئيس جمهور ايران مبنی بر امکان دادن به زنان برای حضور در ورزشگاهها و تماشای مسابقات فوتبال مردان با مخالفت صريح شماری از مراجع مذهبی مواجه شده است."

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Iran ready to schedule its nuclear research program: Larijani - Irna


He added that it is possible to develop a formula through talks that will prevent any deviation from peaceful path by Iran, which will also enable it to obtain its right.

Turning to the fact that `the new situation requires a new solution', Larijani said that they still talk about `suspension', which does not make sense.

"No man of wits will ever say that if the 164 centrifuges are not suspended, there is the risk of development of bomb," he added.

The chief negotiator pointed to the current conditions as sensitive and said that in principle, there are two options:
"If the issue is to be examined by the UN Security Council (UNSC), Iran will also proceed in the same path. However, in case reasonable steps are taken, Iran will cooperate," he added.

"A country determined to access nuclear weapons, will neither sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), nor cooperate with the IAEA," he added.

Larijani: Bush's recent threats not to be taken seriously - Irna


Addressing reporters on the sidelines of the international conference dubbed `Iran's Nuclear Energy Program: Policies and Prospects', he said that Iran has been through more difficult situations.

"Those who believe that the Iranian nation will give up its right through such threats are mistaken.

In response to the question whether Iran will suspend its uranium enrichment in the remaining time, he said that any reasonable proposal will be welcomed and he asked for the reason why Iran should suspend the process.

Replying to another reporter who called on him to announce the second good nuclear news, he said, "The issue of great importance to the nation is celebrating the birth of nuclear technology, which has taken place, while the first step was putting into operation the 164 centrifuges. The next step aims to make more centrifuges operational." Concerning the date such a step is expected, Larijani said that once this is implemented, it will be announced.

Rafsanjani deplores performance of UN nuclear agency on Iran (Recasting to correct verb concerning technical aspects)


Chairman of Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said on Tuesday that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have failed to focus on technical aspects of Iranian nuclear program and such an approach, if continued, would harm the other member states of the agency.

He said that Russia could not fulfill its promise and now Bushehr power plant is going to be completed with a five year delay and at the same time, Russia says that it would not supply fuel for the time being.

He complained that IAEA sometimes provided enemies of Iran with pretext to orchestrate scenarios against Iranian nuclear program.

Rafsanjani said that the UN nuclear agency dealt with Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) which admitted trying to produce bomb, with leniency, but, issues anti-Iran resolution while Iranian nuclear program is only civilian.

He criticized the halt to nuclear activities for the past two years for confidence building and said that Iran should have continued with research studies in the past two years too.

Depression, anxiety in Katrina's kids - Apr 25, 2006

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AP) -- Each time the 3-year-old gets in the bathtub, she thinks she's going to drown. Monica whimpers when her grandmother turns on the faucet, sobbing softly at first, then wailing as the tub begins to fill.

What mental health professionals fear most is the impact down the road. The 1988 earthquake in Armenia that killed 25,000 people. Tracking more than 200 children over five years, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles' Trauma Psychiatry Program found that those who were given professional help early on fared better and showed fewer symptoms at the end of the study. Those who got no help did not improve. - Bush orders gasoline price probe - Apr 25, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush, under pressure about high gasoline prices, has ordered an investigation into possible cheating in the markets.

Bush also planned to announce that his attorney general and Federal Trade Commission will send a letter to all 50 state attorneys general, who have primary authority over price gouging, to remind them to stay on top of the issue and offer federal help to do so. And he planned to call on energy companies to reinvest their profits into expanding refining capacity, developing new technologies and researching alternative energy sources, McClellan said.

Bush's actions are part of a four-part plan to address gas prices in the short- and long-term, McClellan said. The steps are:

  • Making sure consumers and taxpayers are treated fairly.
  • Promoting greater fuel efficiency.
  • Boosting gasoline supply at home.
  • Aggressive long-term investment in alternative fuels.
  • Iran Is Described as Defiant on 2nd Nuclear Program - New York Times

    New York Times

    R. Nicholas Burns, the under secretary of state for political affairs, said Monday evening, "We are very confident that the report is going to be negative concerning Iran's refusal to meet the conditions set down by the United Nations Security Council and the I.A.E.A." He added that Iran was in "outright violation" of the Council request.

    "Our current policy is to work within the framework of the NPT and I.A.E.A., but if we feel that there is no benefit in it for us, we will review our policy," he said. "We must see what the benefits of cooperating with the I.A.E.A. are after 30 years."

    30 Are Killed in Sinai as Bombs Rock Egyptian Resort City - New York Times

    30 Are Killed in Sinai as Bombs Rock Egyptian Resort City - New York Times

    This is real sad...

    حمله لفظی شيمون پرز به رييس جمهوری ايران

    شيمون پرز، نخست وزير اسبق اسرائيل ضمن حمله لفظی شديد به محمود احمدی نژاد، رييس جمهوری ايران، او را با آدولف هيتلر، رهبر آلمان نازی، مقايسه کرده است.

    روز سه شنبه، 25 آوريل، آقای پرز که در مراسم بزرگداشت قربانيان اردوگاه های مرگ آلمان نازی در لهستان شرکت داشت، در سخنانی گفت که هنگام ظهور هيتلر، جهانيان اظهارات يهود ستيزانه او را جدی نگرفتند و زمينه بروز جنگ دوم جهانی و کشتار يهوديان را فراهم کردند و هشدار داد که نبايد همين اشتباه در مورد رييس جمهوری ايران نيز تکرار شود.

    شيمون پرز در سال 1923 در لهستان متولد شد و در سال 1934 همراه خانواده خود به فلسطين مهاجرت کرد و پس از تاسيس کشور اسرائيل، به فعاليت های سياسی روی آورد.

    آمریکا: باب گفتگو با ایران همچنان گشوده است

    آدام ارلی معاون سخنگوی وزارت خارجه آمريکا در واکنش به صحبت های محمود احمدی نژاد رئيس جمهوری اسلامی ايران مبنی بر عدم تمايل تهران به مذاکره با واشنگتن گفت که ايالات متحده همچنان مايل به گفتگو با ايران درباره عراق است.

    آقای احمدی نژاد روز دوشنبه در يک کنفرانس خبری در پاسخ به سوالی درباره مذاکره ايران و آمريکا گفت که اکنون که دولت عراق در حال شکل گيری است نيازی به انجام اين گفتگوها نيست.

    در چند روز گذشته مقام های عراقی از جمله جلال طالبانی رئيس جمهوری آن کشور گفته اند که ميل دارند در گفتگوی نمايندگان آمريکا و ايران حضور داشته باشند.

    به گفته برخی کارشناسان در درون حکومت آمريکا برخی افراد و گروه های نزديک به دفتر ديک چنی معاون رئيس جمهور اين کشور مخالف هر گونه تماس ديپلمات های آمريکايی با ايران هستند. اما اين هنوز روشن نيست که نفوذ گروه های ياد شده در تصميم گيری های مربوط به مذاکره با ايران چقدر است.

    Leo's Horoscope of the Day

    It's likely a rather upbeat day for you, which could be a welcome antidote for yesterday's stress. Circumstances probably won't change suddenly, but now you can see hope where you previously felt only discouragement. There's still plenty of work to do, but you could finally realize the reason for your struggles.Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Interesting Quotes

    If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
    - George Aiken
    The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
    My Karma ran over your dogma.
    - Unknown
    You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play.
    - Warren Beatty
    It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously.

    Monday, April 24, 2006

    احمدی نژاد: ایران از هر قطعنامه شورای امنیت تبعیت نمی‌کند‬ - Irna

    احمدی نژاد: ایران از هر قطعنامه شورای امنیت تبعیت نمی‌کند‬ - Irna

    "محمود احمدي نژاد" روز دوشنبه در گفت وگو با خبرنگاران داخلي و خارجي در پاسخ به پرسش خبرنگار خبرگزاري فرانسه گفت: ما بارها اعلام كرده‌ايم، خواهان التهاب و نگراني براي هيچ كس نيستيم، اما شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل متحد بايد در چارچوب قوانين عمل كند. اين گونه نيست كه هر قطعنامه‌اي كه شوراي امنيت سازمان ملل صادر كرد، ما تبعيت كنيم.

    CASMII :. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

    CASMII :. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

    CASMII :. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

    CASMII :. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran

    We I guess someone took over my job ;-)

    Sunday, April 23, 2006

    Vincent Cheung: Alarm clocks are bad. How to wake up and feel better.

    Vincent Cheung: Alarm clocks are bad. How to wake up and feel better.

    Office Joke

    A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display.

    While he was there, another customer walked in and went over to a cage at the side of the shop and took out a monkey.

    He fit a collar and leash, handed it to the customer, saying, 'Thatll be $5000.'

    The customer paid and walked out with his monkey. Startled, the tourist went over to the shopkeeper and said, 'That was a very expensive monkey. Most of them are only a few hundred dollars. Why did it cost so much?'

    The shopkeeper answered, 'Ah, that monkey can program in C - very fast, tight code, no bugs, well worth the money.'

    The tourist looked at the monkey in another cage. 'That ones even more expensive - $10,000! What does it do?' 'Oh, that ones a C++ monkey; it can manage object-oriented programming, Visual C++, even some Java. All the really useful stuff,' said the shopkeeper.

    The tourist looked around for a little longer and saw a third monkey in a cage of its own. The price tag around its neck read $50,000.

    He gasped to the shopkeeper, 'That one costs more than all the others put together! What on earth does it do?'

    The shopkeeper replied, 'Well, I havent actually seen it do anything, but rest of the monkeys call it the Project Manager.'"

    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    Iran President's Bark May Be Worse than His Bite -- Page 1 Iran President's Bark May Be Worse than His Bite -- Page 1: "But the significance of Iran's enrichment announcement, and Tehran's next moves, may not quite match Ahmadinejad's sanguine rhetoric. Iran's enrichment experiment was in defiance of U.N. demands, but it has not ended cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the IAEA — in fact, IAEA inspectors are currently in Iran taking samples to verify Iran's enrichment claims."

    'ايران در نيمه دوم سال جاری بنزين وارد نخواهد کرد' "محمود احمدی نژاد، رئيس جمهور ايران، می گويد کشور در شش ماهه دوم سال جاری شمسی بايد به طور کامل بر بنزين توليد داخلی اتکا کند و به نظر می رسد دولت درحال حرکت به سوی سهميه بندی بنزين است."

    فرمانده پليس تهران: پليس با مساله حجاب کاری ندارد "با اين حال، آقای طلايی انتساب چنين سخنانی به خود را تکذيب کرده و گفته است به عنوان فرمانده نيروی انتظامی به جامعه اطمينان میدهد که پليس نه تنها به دنبال برخورد با جامعه نيست، بلکه تنها هدفش ارتقاء سلامتی و امنيت جامعه است و ماموران نيز در اين راستا، بدون عصبانيت و با دوستی و حفط احترام و شخصيت افراد عمل می کنند."

    YouTube - How to put on a Band Aid so it stay on all day.

    YouTube - How to put on a Band Aid so it stay on all day.

    FEMA Wants $4.7M Back From Katrina Victims

    The Public View of

    Federal Emergency Management Agency said it is seeking $4.7 million from 2,044 people, telling them in a form letter that they have four months to repay or set up a payment plan.

    Some storm victims got duplicate or extra benefits because of FEMA errors, FEMA spokesman Eugene Brezany said, and others might have received benefits for expenses that later were reimbursed by insurance settlements.

    Ink tag removal: removing garment ink tags and security tags

    Ink tag removal: removing garment ink tags and security tags

    Russia Warns on Aggravating Iran Standoff - Yahoo! News

    Yahoo! News

    "We firmly stand today for resolving the problems in and around Tehran diplomatically rather than militarily. Increasing international pressure on Iran has no prospects," Ozerov was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.

    The United States and European allies are pushing for sanctions because of Iran's refusal to suspend its enrichment program, as demanded by the

    U.N. Security Council

    " type="hidden"> SEARCH
    News | News Photos | Images | Web

    " type="hidden">
    U.N. Security Council. They suspect Iran is trying to develop atomic weapons in violation of its treaty commitments.

    Bush Meets Privately With Think Tank Promoting Military Strike On Iran

    Bush Meets Privately With Think Tank Promoting Military Strike On Iran

    This tidbit about President Bush?s schedule was buried in today’s Washington Post:

    Bush traveled Friday night to Stanford University, where he met privately with members of the libertarian Hoover Institution to discuss the war. He concluded the day with a private dinner held by George P. Shultz, a Hoover fellow and former secretary of state.

    Why is this significant? The Hoover Institution is a think tank that has been aggressively promoting the viability of a preemptive military strike in Iran. Here?s just a couple of recent examples —

    Going nuclear: Iran's sitting duck

    Going nuclear: Iran's sitting duck - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune

    The precise locations of the underground chambers at Natanz are well known - they were built in open pits, visible to American satellites, before being covered with concrete, rock and dirt. (And the only building at Natanz where we know Iran has enriched uranium thus far is above ground.) If anyone wants to bomb Natanz, they will know where to aim.

    Brazil follows Iran’s nuclear path, but without the fuss :: Brazil follows Iran’s nuclear path, but without the fuss

    While Brazil is more cooperative than Iran on international inspections, some worry its new enrichment capability, which will create more fuel than is needed for its two nuclear plants, suggests that South America’s biggest nation may be rethinking its commitment to nonproliferation.

    The US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack dismissed any parallel between Brazil’s nuclear programme and Iran’s. “My understanding is they have a peaceful nuclear programme,” he said.

    A Penny for Your Thoughts, and 1.4 Cents for the Penny - New York Times

    A Penny for Your Thoughts, and 1.4 Cents for the Penny - New York Times: "This week the cost of the metals in a penny rose above 0.8 cents, more than twice the value of last fall. Because the government spends at least another six-tenths of a cent — above and beyond the cost of the metal — to make each penny, it will lose nearly half a cent on each new one it mints."

    How to add a Google Map to any web page in less than 10 minutes

    How to add a Google Map to any web page in less than 10 minutes: "Version 2 includes a number of enhancements, including elimination of memory leak problems and some new features.

    Most people really like the embedded Google Maps, but don't know how easy it is to add them to any page. I've had a few people ask me how it is done. With a little bit of HTML knowledge, anyone can quickly have a map up and running in just a few minutes.
    " - Windows Tips: Great Freeware Squeezes More Out of Windows - Windows Tips: Great Freeware Squeezes More Out of Windows: "Great Freeware Squeezes More Out of Windows

    Ten free programs put Windows on its best behavior and teach the old OS useful new file and interface tricks."

    The ghostly salt city beneath Detroit

    The ghostly salt city beneath Detroit

    This giant truck travels on a glittering salt road 1,137 feet beneath Detroit, carrying newly-blasted salt several thousand feet to a primary crusher station.
    Welcome to the biggest Confession room in the world
    (Parental Discretion is Advised)

    How to Write a Scientific Paper

    How to Write a Scientific Paper

    Friday, April 21, 2006

    Boot faster with parallel starting services | Boot faster with parallel starting services: "By: Mark Alexander Bain"

    Can you hear me now? Big Brother is listening "Now, the EFF claims that ATT handles 300 million voice calls and 4,000 terabytes PER DAY of traffic. I tried to get a feel for whether ATT had enough storage space to actually archive all of that info. Deep Packet says there is A LOT of storage associated with this project. I still doubt it is enough. But maybe enough to grab every conversation that involves airplanes, flight school, anthrax, and Allah."

    How to avoid office politics » Slacker Manager

    How to avoid office politics » Slacker Manager

    Fitness Gear 101 - The One Stop Fitness Guide

    Fitness Gear 101 - The One Stop Fitness Guide: "Fitness Gear 101
    Personal fitness guide to equipment shopping, workout routines and more!

    Please take full advantage of all the tools on Fitness Gear 101 – especially where you see the Fleet Physique logo, which covers a collection of my very own personalized workout routines. After all, working out should be fun!

    TSA Software Bug Creates Airport Bomb Scare


    192939495969798999 writes 'An article at CNN's website reports on a serious software bug at the Atlanta airport.' From the article: 'TSA screeners are given tests around the clock to check their alertness. Images of bombs and other suspicious devices that are hard to detect are put up on the X-ray machine, followed after a brief delay by an alert that reads, 'This is a test.' After reviewing a tape of the images, Hawley said the software failed to alert the screener of the test.'"

    Mich. Teens Charged With Murder Over $3


    "WAYNE, MICH. — Three teens accused of beating a man to death in the middle of an intersection during a robbery that netted only $3 have been charged with murder, authorities said."

    Google To Charge For API Use

    MediaPost Publications

    "IN A MOVE THAT COULD impose significant costs on bid management firms and other search engine marketing companies, Google has decided to start charging on a per-use basis for its AdWords application programming interface, or API, which allows software developers to design applications that send and receive data to and from its keyword ad auction. The new pricing system will go into effect July 1. 'We are changing the quota allocation system and pricing model to create a more flexible and level playing field that encourages efficient coding and application design. Effective July 1, 2006, the current free quota system will be replaced by a usage-based system,' wrote Google product manager Rohit Dhawan on the company's blog. 'As a result, current developer quota caps will be removed in order to provide a more flexible and scalable system for quota allocation and consumption.'

    Previously, Google made its API available for free, but limited usage based on the amount of ad dollars being managed. Under the new system, developers will be charged 25 cents per 1,000 times the API is used to call data."

    Really Cool Portable GPS Tracker

    Really Cool Portable GPS Tracker » Coolest Gadgets: "Once the tracker has done it’s travels and it’s back in your possession you simply connect it to you PC and download the data. This data can then be plotted on Google Earth, Mapquest, and Virtual Earth to show exactly where it’s been, how long it took and how it got there."USB GPS Tracker

    You can buy this nifty GPS tracker from Think Geek for $249.99, if you do please let us know how you get on with it as I am so tempted.

    Police in Tehran ordered to arrest women in 'un-Islamic' dress

    Guardian Unlimited

    Women in Tehran
    "From today police in Tehran will be under orders to arrest women failing to conform to the regime's definition of Islamic morals by wearing loose-fitting hijab, or headscarves, tight jackets and shortened trousers exposing skin.

    Offenders could be punished with £30 fines or two months in jail. Officers will also be authorised to confront men with outlandish hairstyles and people walking pet dogs, an activity long denounced as un-Islamic by the religious rulers.

    The clampdown coincides with a bill before Iran's conservative-dominated parliament proposing that fines for people with TV satellite dishes rise from £60 to more than £3,000. Millions of Iranians have illegal dishes, enabling them to watch western films and news channels."

    The new campaign will hold taxi agencies accountable for their passengers' attire, police will be able to impound cabs carrying women dressed "inappropriately". Agencies guilty of repeat offences will be closed. Police have reportedly been stopping women motorists recently whose hijab was judged inadequate. Police have also raided fashion stores and seized brightly coloured manteaus.

    Tehran's police chief, Morteza Talai, said the campaign would try to clamp down on people making "the social environment insecure".

    Young women shopping in north Tehran's fashionable Tajrish neighbourhood yesterday, however, were uncowed. Matin, 24, a nurse, was wearing a gaudily patterned light-blue head scarf pushed back to reveal sunglasses and bleached blond hair. Her tight, short black manteau with intricate gold patterns seemed designed to provoke the ire of the authorities. But she was unrepentant. "I'm a married woman and it should be my husband who tells me what and what not to wear. He likes the way I dress," she said.

    Surprisingly, Narges Asgari, 20, a dressmaker wearing an all-encompassing black chador, was also critical. "I don't think people will listen because they want to take decisions themselves," she said. "Clothes depend on the culture of their families. I wear the chador because, in my family, it's something we accept."

    Schools may ban hurtful T-shirt slogans "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Public schools can bar clothing with slogans that are hurtful, a U.S. appeals court ruled Thursday in the case of a student who wore a T-shirt saying 'Homosexuality is shameful.'

    The 2-1 decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals backed a San Diego-area high school's argument that it was entitled to tell a student to remove a T-shirt with that message."

    مبارزه با 'بدحجابی' جمعه آغاز می شود

    دخترها در پياده رو

    رئيس پليس تهران گفته است که 200 مامور اضافه روز جمعه گشتزنی در خيابان های تهران را آغاز خواهند کرد.

    وظيفه آنها تعقيب سوداگران مواد مخدر، مقابله با کسانی که در اتومبيل های خود با صدای بلند آهنگ گوش می کنند و افراد "بدحجاب" است.

    کسانی که سگ همراه داشته باشند يا مردانی که آرايش موی نامتعارف داشته باشند نيز جريمه خواهند شد.

    در دوران هشت سال حکومت اصلاح طلبان بسياری از زنان در شهرهای بزرگ رنگ های تيره و مانتوهای بلند گشاد اوايل انقلاب را رها کردند و به روسری های رنگارنگ، مانتوهای کوتاه و چسبان که حالت اندام ها را نمايان می کند روی آوردند.

    اما اين وضع برای قشر محافظه کار جامعه که حاميان کوچه خيابانی محمود احمدی نژاد هستند توهين آميز است.

    اوضاع خيلی بد شده. لباس هايی می پوشند که خيلی زشت و زننده است. اين اصلا حجاب نيست، از زمان شاه هم بدتر است. شلوار می پوشند ولی پاچه ها را تا زانو بالا می زنند. و آدم های مذهبی مثل من خيلی ناراحت هستند
    يک مرد که خود را مذهبی معرفی می کند

    حتی در دوران حاکميت اصلاح طلبان نيز حکومت گهگاهی بر ضد به اصطلاح "بدحجابی" دست به مبارزه می زد اما خيلی شديد نبود.

    اما در عمليات جاری زنان ممکن است به خاطر کوتاهی در پيروی از تعريف حکومت از پوشش مناسب اسلامی با جريمه های تقريبا 50 دلاری مواجه شوند.

    فاطمه آجرلو نماينده محافظه کار در مجلس می گويد: "جمهوری اسلامی هرگز نخواسته که برخورد سلبی با بدحجابها داشته باشد... ولی اگر کسی به قوانين اسلام و نظام دهن کجی کند، موضوعش فرق می کند."

    تازه ترين عمليات دولت در مبارزه با بدحجابی با صحبت از معرفی لايحه ای تازه در مجلس شورای اسلامی برای افزايش بسيار شديد جريمه داشتن بشقاب های ماهواره ای همزمان شده است.

    برخی می ترسند اين سرآغاز يک سرکوب اجتماعی و فرهنگی که از زمان انتخاب محمود احمدی نژاد کم و بيش انتظارش را داشتند باشد.

    اما ديگران اشاره می کنند که مبارزات مشابه در گذشته تاثير کمی داشته است.

    نتيجه تا حدود زيادی به شدت اجرای اين عمليات بستگی دارد.

    Fujitsu launches 2.2-pound Q series notebook

    CNET "A presentation during the briefing put the price of the new notebook at $1,999, but a Fujitsu representative said pricing had not been finalized. The notebook will be available this summer."

    Bracing for the next big earthquake | CNET

    Bracing for the next big earthquake | CNET "'The problem is that since 1906, the Bay Area has grown from about 700,000 to about 7 million (people),' said Tom Brocher, a seismologist at the USGS. 'Our building codes are much more up to snuff for earthquake hazards, but the amount of damage today would be about the same as it was.'

    Among scientists' predictions are more than 5,000 deaths, 18,000 hospitalized, and as many as 160,000 flattened homes, rendering half a million people homeless. That likely includes damage to roads, water systems, cell phone networks and even the partially retrofitted Golden Gate Bridge. Silicon Valley, a largely rural area in 1906 but now America's high-tech mecca, would also be hard hit. All in all, researchers predict losses in the range of $60 billion to $300 billion."

    US will be mistaken if it uses force against Iran: Pak religious leader - Irna

    Irna: "Opposition leader in Pakistan National Assembly Maulana Fazaul Rehman said on Thursday that that it would be a blunder on the part of the United States if it dares to attack Iran.

    Talking to reporters here he said that the Untied States has adopted a double standard in connection with the non-proliferation of Atomic Energy.

    He said that Washington on one hand has signed an agreement with India in this sector while on the other hand it has started threatening attack against Iran for enriching uranium.

    In case of attack against Iran, the United States would find itself in the quagmire and would not be able to get rid of this quagmire."

    Iran's proposal on OPEC fund to be assessed

    1st VP: Iran's proposal on OPEC fund to be assessed - Irna: "First Vice President Parviz Davoudi here Thursday said that the portion of OPEC revenue to be allocated to the fund proposed to OPEC by Iran to support poor countries, will be specified and announced.

    Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the 11th International Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Exhibition (April 20-23), he referred to the proposal by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to establish a fund to gather part of OPEC revenue to protect poor states and said that once the assessment of the issue is over, the outcome will be announced."

    بروز نشانه های سازش از سوی تهران در مورد مساله هسته ای "

    يک مقام ايرانی که نخواست نامش فاش شود می گويد هياتی که روز چهارشنبه به مسکو رفت تا با اروپايی ها مذاکره کند، پيشنهاد تعليق کامل غنی سازی اورانيوم را داد به شرطی که فعلا علنی نشود.

    ساير گزارش ها از اروپا حاکيست که ايران پيشنهاد يک وقفه فنی کوتاه در غنی سازی را داده است تا زمينه انجام گفتگوها فراهم شود، اما اين پيشنهاد رد شد.

    اينها نشانه های نرمشی احتمالی از سوی ايران است که تاکنون با شعارهای مقابله جويانه و تمرد آميز به درخواست های شورای امنيت واکنش نشان می داد.

    يک استدلال اين است که اکنون که ايران می گويد در فناوری غنی سازی اورانيوم مهارت پيدا کرده، می تواند به گونه ای آبرومندانه برنامه اتمی اش را متوقف کند.

    اخيرا همچنين صحبت های بيشتری از نياز ايران به مذاکره مستقيم با آمريکا در مورد مساله هسته ای مطرح شده است.

    روسيه بار ديگر درخواست توقف همکاری اتمی با ايران را رد کرد "يک روز پس از آنکه نيکلاس برنز، معاون وزارت خارجه آمريکا خواهان توقف همکاری اتمی روسيه با ايران شد، وزرات خارجه روسيه به اظهارات وی واکنش نشان داد و اعلام کرد:'هر کشوری خود بايد تصميم بگيرد با چه کشوری همکاری بکند و با چه کشوری نکند، تصميم گيری در مورد منع همکاری با هر کشور خاصی تنها در صلاحيت شورای امنيت سازمان ملل متحد است و اين شورا هنوز هيچ قطعنامه ای در منع همکاری با ايران در زمينه انرژی اتمی صادر نکرده است."

    فرانسه و مصر بر حل مسالمت آميز بحران اتمی ايران تأکيد کردند "حسنی مبارک رئيس جمهور مصر گفت که حمله نظامی به ايران تمام منطقه را به آشوب خواهد کشيد.
    رؤسای جمهور فرانسه و مصر
    سران دو کشور تأکيد کردند که درباره حل مسالمت آميز بحران هسته ای ايران و همچنين در رابطه ادامه کمکهای مالی به دولت خودگردان فلسطين اشتراک نظر دارند.

    آنها گفتند که کمکهای مالی به فلسطينی ها بايد ادامه يابد تا فلسطينی ها از حداقل زندگی انسانی برخوردار باشند."

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Verbatim (94852) 8X DVD-R Silver Thermal Hub Printable 100 Pack in Cake Box Spindle (Two 50-PK)

    Verbatim (94852) 8X DVD-R Silver Thermal Hub Printable 100 Pack in Cake Box Spindle (Two 50-PK):
    Mail-In Rebate: - $14.00
    Mail-In Rebate: - $6.00

    Verbatim (94852) 8X DVD-R Silver Thermal Hub Printable 100 Pack in Cake Box Spindle (Two 50-PK)

    U.S. Cracks Down on Hiring of Illegal Immigrants

    New York Times: "WASHINGTON, April 20 — The apprehension on Wednesday of more than 1,100 illegal immigrants employed by a Houston-based pallet supply company, as well as the arrest of seven of its managers, represents the kickoff of a more aggressive federal immigration enforcement campaign intended to hold employers accountable for breaking the law, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today."

    BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush presses China over currency

    BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush presses China over currency: "Bush presses China over currency
    US President George W Bush and Chinese President Hu Jintao
    It is Hu Jintao's first official visit to the White House as Chinese leader
    President George W Bush has urged the Chinese president to do more to close the US-China trade gap, and to take a sterner line with Iran and North Korea."

    Phony doctor gives free breast exams |

    MIAMI (Reuters) - A 76-year-old man claiming to be a doctor went door-to-door in a Florida neighborhood offering free breast exams, and was charged with sexually assaulting two women who accepted the offer, police said on Thursday.

    At least two women, both in their 30s, let him into their homes and he fondled and sexually assaulted them, the investigators said.

    Winikoff was not a doctor, Graf said. He worked as a shuttle driver for an auto dealership.

    Five students arrested, accused of plotting gun rampage

    "RIVERTON, Kan. (AP) — Five teenage boys accused of plotting a shooting rampage at their high school on the anniversary of the Columbine massacre were arrested Thursday after details of the alleged scheme appeared on the website

    Sheriff's deputies found guns, ammunition, knives and coded messages in the bedroom of one suspect, Sheriff Steve Norman said. Authorities also found documents about firearms in two suspects' school lockers."

    Bush, Hu find no breakthroughs on trade, Iran

    Top News Article |

    By Steve Holland and Tabassum Zakaria

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush failed to win a commitment from Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday on immediate steps to reduce China's $202 billion trade surplus with the United States.

    Hu did give Bush a general assurance he was working to make the Chinese currency more "flexible" but this fell far short of U.S. demands for a dramatic revaluation of the yuan as a way to make U.S. products more competitive in Chinese and global markets and reduce the trade imbalance.

    The two leaders also failed to bridge differences over how to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions. Bush wants China to agree to tougher U.N. Security Council action, but his arguments did not persuade Hu.

    Speaking in the Oval Office, the two leaders said their bilateral relationship had matured and they could discuss differences openly. "He tells me what he thinks, and I tell him what I think, and we do so with respect," Bush said.

    Covering human rights concerns, Bush complained about China's recent expulsion of a North Korean woman seeking asylum.In a rarity, Hu answered reporters' questions in the Oval Office and U.S. officials saw progress in the communist leader's comment that "if there is no democracy, there will be no modernization" of China.

    Stating that China wanted to boost its domestic demand and did not seek an excessive trade surplus, Hu vowed to do more to stop the illegal piracy of American-made software and DVDs, but said Washington could help reduce the imbalance by allowing more high-tech exports to China.

    Bush, under pressure to reduce last year's $202 billion trade deficit with China, said he hoped China would do more to revalue its currency, the yuan, which Washington considers seriously undervalued against the dollar.

    Hu said China would continue to improve the yuan's exchange rate, although he gave no specifics. But on Wednesday, he ruled out any dramatic revaluation of the currency.

    "America needs a tiger, not a pussycat, fighting for our American companies and American workers," said Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, whose state has been hard hit by job losses.

    How to Adopt a Baby from China - WikiHow

    How to Adopt a Baby from China - WikiHow

    Adopting a child from China is an exciting opportunity for your family, but you'll have many papers to file before the pitter-patter of little feet fills your home. The international adoption process is time-consuming, arduous and expensive - it can take up to 18 months and cost as much as $20,000 - but it's well worth the effort. Here is an overview of the steps required to bring your newest family member home. These instructions are written with Americans in mind, but many of the steps will apply to parents-to-be of any nationality.

    Perhaps your newest family member?

    Wednesday, April 19, 2006

    Iranian President: Oil not yet sold at real value, despite rising prices - Irna

    President: Oil not yet sold at real value, despite rising prices - Irna: "According to a report released by the Media Department of the Presidential Office, the chief executive said that the products derived from crude oil cost over ten times the price of oil sold by producing states and that the developed and powerful countries benefit more from its value-added than any party."

    Please sign petition not to Nuke Iran

    Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
    Sign Petition Opposing Attack on Iran

    [This Petition and signatures and comments will be delivered to the White House by many activists, including Cindy Sheehan.]

    Dear President Bush and Vice President Cheney,

    We write to you from all over the United States and all over the world to urge you to obey both international and U.S. law, which forbid aggressive attacks on other nations. We oppose your proposal to attack Iran. Iran does not possess nuclear weapons, just as Iraq did not possess nuclear weapons. If Iran had such weapons, that would not justify the use of force, any more than any other nation would be justified in launching a war against the world's greatest possesor of nuclear arms, the United States. The most effective way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons would be to closely monitor its nuclear energy program, and to improve diplomatic relations -- two tasks made much more difficult by threatening to bomb Iranian territory. We urge you to lead the way to peace, not war, and to begin by making clear that you will not commit the highest international crime by aggressively attacking Iran.

    To sign:
    World Can't Wait
    305 Madison Avenue, #1166
    New York, NY 10165
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