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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Please sign petition not to Nuke Iran

Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
Sign Petition Opposing Attack on Iran

[This Petition and signatures and comments will be delivered to the White House by many activists, including Cindy Sheehan.]

Dear President Bush and Vice President Cheney,

We write to you from all over the United States and all over the world to urge you to obey both international and U.S. law, which forbid aggressive attacks on other nations. We oppose your proposal to attack Iran. Iran does not possess nuclear weapons, just as Iraq did not possess nuclear weapons. If Iran had such weapons, that would not justify the use of force, any more than any other nation would be justified in launching a war against the world's greatest possesor of nuclear arms, the United States. The most effective way to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons would be to closely monitor its nuclear energy program, and to improve diplomatic relations -- two tasks made much more difficult by threatening to bomb Iranian territory. We urge you to lead the way to peace, not war, and to begin by making clear that you will not commit the highest international crime by aggressively attacking Iran.

To sign:
World Can't Wait
305 Madison Avenue, #1166
New York, NY 10165
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