Open Eyes Open Mind

I'll try to post interesting things... jokes, software, deals, photos, articles, etc. check weekdays for updates ;-)

Friday, March 31, 2006 -- Astronomers Detect First Split-Second of the Universe -- Astronomers Detect First Split-Second of the Universe: "Scientists announced today new evidence supporting the theory that the infant universe expanded from subatomic to astronomical size in a fraction of a second after its birth.

The finding is based on new results from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite, launched in 2001 to measure the temperature of radiant heat left over from the Big Bang, which is the theoretical beginning to the universe."

H-1B visas hit roadblock in Congress | CNET

H-1B visas hit roadblock in Congress | CNET "Supporters of H-1B visas--reserved for highly skilled guest workers--applauded a move Monday by a U.S. Senate committee to nearly double the cap from 65,000 to 115,000 visas next year, and President Bush has endorsed the idea too. But by the end of the week, it became apparent that the House of Representatives may not follow suit."

O'Reilly Network -- What Is Flickr (and Hot Tips for Using It)

O'Reilly Network -- What Is Flickr (and Hot Tips for Using It): "Flickr is an online photo management and sharing application. Its primary goals are to help people make photos available to those who matter to them, and to enable new ways of organizing pictures. You can join Flicker for free and begin sharing images immediately. Pro accounts are available for those who want to add and display high volumes of photos."

Flickr Logo: click to get home

GreaseMonkeyUserScriptsSpecific - An Unnamed MoinMoin Wiki

GreaseMonkeyUserScriptsSpecific for: "Flickr"

An interesting site with good scripts for you Flickr lovers ;-)

Quakes in Iran kill dozens - Mideast/N. Africa -

Quakes in Iran kill dozens - Mideast/N. Africa - "Three strong quakes kill 70 in western Iran
At least 1,200 injured; thousands left homeless"
Image: Iranian girl amid quake destruction.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


ری‌را — کتاب‌خانه‌ی آزادِ فارسی


UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar

UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar: "UAE, Saudi considering to move reserves out of dollar

WASHINGTON — A number of Middle Eastern central banks said on Tuesday they would seek to switch reserves from the US greenback to euros.

The United Arab Emirates said it was considering moving one-tenth of its dollar reserves to the euro, while the governor of the Saudi Arabian central bank condemned the decision by the United States to force Dubai Ports World to transfer its ownership to a ‘US entity,’ the UK Independent reported."

RAZR’s Now No. 1 in Europe

I Love this phone!! ;-)

RED HERRING | RAZR’s Now No. 1 in Europe: "RAZR’s Now No. 1 in Europe

Motorola is putting up pressure on Nokia at Finnish mobile giant’s home ground.
March 29, 2006

Motorola’s ultra popular handset model RAZR doubled its market share in Europe to become the best-selling device on the continent, which is traditionally dominated by Nokia.

RAZR had a share of 6.2 percent in the first quarter of the year, an increase of 100 percent in six months time, according to Telephia, which provides performance measurement information to the mobile industry."

Unmanned Aerial Drones Coming Soon Above U.S.

Slashdot | Unmanned Aerial Drones Coming Soon Above U.S.: "Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday March 29, @09:15PM
Robotics United States

cnet-declan writes 'Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been flying over Iraq and Afghanistan, but now the Bush administration wants to use them for domestic surveillance. A top Homeland Security official told Congress today, according to this CNET article, that: 'We need additional technology to supplement manned aircraft surveillance and current ground assets to ensure more effective monitoring of United States territory.' One county in North Carolina is already using UAVs to monitor public gatherings. But what happens when lots of relatively dumb drones have to share airspace with aircraft carrying passengers? A pilot's association is worried.'"

Web 2.0: A Pattern Library

Web 2.0: A Pattern Library:

What Web 2.0 is

There is a powerful idea floating around that the internet is moving into a more advanced stage of maturity, a new paradigm called Web 2.0."

منوچهر متکی: گزارش پرونده ایران به شورای امنیت اقدامی اشتباه بود - Irna

منوچهر متکی: گزارش پرونده ایران به شورای امنیت اقدامی اشتباه بود - Irna: "
وين ، ايرنا ‪۸۵/۰۱/۱۰‬ صدا

وزير امور خارجه جمهوري اسلامي ايران در نشستي مطبوعاتي در ژنو گفت:
گزارش پرونده ايران به شوراي امنيت اقدامي اشتباه بود.

'منوچهر متكي'افزود: اميدواريم با مذاكره و گفت و گو اين موضوع در آژانس بين‌المللي انرژي اتمي به نتيجه برسد."

How to Win a Street Fight - WikiHow

Good info, I hope you won't have to use it ;-)

How to Win a Street Fight - WikiHow: "How to Win a Street Fight

Although the best way to 'win' a street fight is avoid it, we are not always so lucky. There are many fighting techniques around to deal with combat, should it come down to that, but taking a martial art or self-defense class doesn't guarantee your safety. This is a guide to help you in making simple, deliberate actions to end the fight."

گزارش ويدئويی: تهران به استقبال بهار می رود "گزارش ويدئويی: تهران به استقبال بهار می رود

طرح و اجرا: الهه گل پری

تهران در روزهای مانده به آخر سال خورشيدی چهره ديگری به خود می گيرد. خيابانهای شلوغ و پر آتش در آخرين شب چهارشنبه سال، و جنب و جوش مردم در بازارهای برای خريد نوروزی خبر از رسيدن بهار می دهد.

گزارش ويدئويی زير تهران را در اين روزها به تصوير کشيده است.

نوروز - عکس از بابک برزويه "شورای امنيت سازمان ملل متحد در تلاشی برای مهار بلندپروازی های اتمی ايران، بيانيه ای را تصويب کرده است که اين کشور را ترغيب می کند غنی سازی اورانيوم را معلق سازد. متن بيانيه بلافاصله پس از توافق پنج عضو دائمی شورای امنيت بر سر آن، از سوی 15 عضو شورا به تصويب رسيد."

شورای امنيت سازمان ملل

Flickr Bits » Flickr Plugins and Flickr API applications

Flickr Bits » Flickr Plugins and Flickr API applications

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

NPR: Shereen Meraji

NPR: Search Results

Other works by at NPR

NPR : New Translation of 'Persian Book of Kings'

NPR : New Translation of 'Persian Book of Kings': "Just in time for the celebration, there's a new English translation of the Shahnameh, the 'Persian Book of Kings.' The epic was written over the course of 35 years, begun in the 10th century and finished in the 11th century by the poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi when the Persian Empire was a memory and Arabs dominated what is now the nation of Iran."

Cover for the new English translation by Dick Davis of Abolqasem Ferdowsi's 'Shahnemeh'

NPR : Unorthodox Therapy in New Orleans Raises Concern

NPR : Unorthodox Therapy in New Orleans Raises Concern: "Thought field therapy -- also known as TFT -- is a fringe psychological treatment, one of many practiced throughout the United States with very little challenge from the major mental health associations. The concept behind TFT is that mental illness is the product of disturbances in what practitioners call 'thought fields' and that tapping on a series of acupuncture-type points in the body will free the sufferer from emotional pain.

TFT Trauma Sequence

Bush makes me cry

Prayer Schedule

Prayer Schedule:
For Tue March وفاة الرسول الأكرم(ص) 28

Fajr 4:50 a.
Shoroq 6:19 a.
Zohr 12:58 p.
Maqreb 7:19 p.

condolences for the Prophet Mohamad's Departure

مرکز اطلاع رسانی شهید آوینی

How to Get a Windows Live Mail Account - WikiHow

How to Get a Windows Live Mail Account - WikiHow: "Do you want to be one of the Hotmail VIP's users, but can't figure out a way to do it? It requires using a trick to upgrade your old 2 MB hotmail account and then enrolling in Windows Live. Follow these instructions to get a Windows Live Mail account and a 2000 MB Hotmail account."

Quotes of the Day

'The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.'
- Don Marquis
'Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something.'
- Thomas A. Edison
'Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised.'
- Marilyn Manson"

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quarters From Hell

Quarters From Hell

Official Google Video Blog

Official Google Video Blog

Disney site lets customers design products - Aviran’s Place

Disney site lets customers design products - Aviran’s Place: "Disney partnered with online customization site, which licenses thousands of images from Warner Bros., Marvel Comics Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd. and 20th Century Fox, among others, and also allows users to sell their own art for use on personalized T-shirts, greeting cards and postage stamps."

Britain puts cosmetic surgery advice on Net | Tech News on ZDNet

Britain puts cosmetic surgery advice on Net | Tech News on ZDNet: "The British government launched a Web site on Thursday to provide cosmetic surgery advice, in the latest attempt to help those seeking beauty avoid suffering at the hands of rogue practitioners."

Wind River wins Boeing deal with Army | Tech News on ZDNet

Wind River wins Boeing deal with Army | Tech News on ZDNet: "About 2,000 Boeing programmers will use Wind River Workbench to create software used in an Army program called the Future Combat System, the company plans to announce Friday. That Army project spans a broad swath of computing technology that includes equipment for soldiers, military communications networks and 18 combat systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles."

Bacteria could power tiny robots | CNET

Bacteria could power tiny robots | CNET "A strain of bacteria that releases electrons as a waste product could become the secret ingredient for developing fuel cells for spy drones and other small robots."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

روسیه راه صدور بیانیه شورای امنیت علیه ایران را سد کرد "روسیه راه صدور بیانیه شورای امنیت علیه ایران را سد کرد"

شورای امنيت سازمان ملل متحد در جلسه روز چهار شنبه خود در نيويورک باز هم نتوانست در باره نحوه برخورد با مساله اتمی ايران به توافقی برسد. در اين جلسه که در دفتر نمايندگی آمريکا در سازمان ملل متحد برگزار شد روسيه و چين به مخالفت خود با پيش نويس بيانيه ای که قرار است رئيس شورای امنيت صادر کند ادامه دادند. » firefox extensions » firefox extensions

سال 1385 مبارک

صفحه فارسی گوگل 'نوروزی' شد


صفحه فارسی گوگل در ايام نوروز 1385
صفحه فارسی گوگل در ايام نوروز 1385
حروف نام گوگل در نشان نوروزی آن با اقلام سفره هفت سين، سيب و سبزه و سير و سماق و سنجد و ماهی، شبيه سازی شده است
صفحه فارسی گوگل، جستجوگر مشهور اينترنتی، همزمان با فرارسيدن سال نوی خورشيدی، نشان ويژه ای را به کار گرفته که با نمادی از جشن سنتی نوروز تزئين شده است."

نصیحت مولانا

نصيحت مولانا
گشاده دست باش، جاري باش، كمك كن (مثل رود)
باشفقت و مهربان باش (مثل خورشيد)
اگركسي اشتباه كردآن رابه پوشان (مثل شب)
وقتي عصباني شدي خاموش باش (مثل مرگ)
متواضع باش و كبر نداشته باش (مثل خاك)
بخشش و عفو داشته باش (مثل دريا )
اگرمي خواهي ديگران خوب باشند خودت خوب باش (مثل آينه )

Friday, March 10, 2006

Bluffer's guide to uranium enrichment - special report - news -

Bluffer's guide to uranium enrichment - special report - news - To do it on an industrial scale to make fuel for a nuclear reactor, around 3000 centrifuges are needed.

For reactor fuel, the gas needs to be enriched to about 3 per cent-5 per cent; this is called Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) or sometimes reactor-grade uranium.

For a nuclear bomb, it needs to be enriched to around 90 per cent. That's called Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) and sometimes weapons-grade uranium

This is what the Iranians are doing at Natanz. There, they have a pilot plant, which they plan to fit with around 1,000 centrifuges. It's unclear how many have been assembled and connected up, but Iran has been testing 20, according the latest IAEA report. They need to test them: centrifuges are temperamental machines.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

US men fight child support laws

BBC NEWS | Americas | US men fight child support laws: "The National Center for Men is filing a case on behalf of Mr Dubay at a court in the US city of Detroit.

The centre's director, Mel Feit, told the Associated Press news agency: 'There's such a spectrum of choice that women have - it's her body, her pregnancy and she has the ultimate right to make decisions.
Matt Dubay
'I'm trying to find a way for a man also to have some say over decisions that affect his life profoundly,' he said."

Can a company force you to work overtime?

Can a company force you to work overtime?: "Also, the law only applies to hourly workers, so anyone who is paid a salary can be asked to work as many hours as needed. Executive, administrative, and managerial positions are usually salaried. As the Seattle Times notes, professional salaried jobs have grown in the past few decades. About 50 million Americans aren't eligible for overtime, so salaried employees are working longer hours without compensation. In many corporate cultures, it's an expected part of the job."

Sunday, March 05, 2006 Exclusive Interview: Iran’s Foreign Policy Chief Talks with TIME -- Page 1 Exclusive Interview: Iran’s Foreign Policy Chief Talks with TIME -- Page 1

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Quote of the Day

"'My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's.'
- Oscar Wilde"

Deal of the Day

Lexar JDX1GB-231 JumpDrive Expression 1 GBLexar JumpDrive Expression 1 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive $37.09, Mar 2, 2006 has the Lexar JDX1GB-231 JumpDrive Expression 1 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive for a low $37.09 after rebate and 5% off Code: ELECDEAL Exp 3/2. Free shipping. Tax in KS, ND, WA.
$18 rebate Exp 3/13/06