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Friday, March 10, 2006

Bluffer's guide to uranium enrichment - special report - news -

Bluffer's guide to uranium enrichment - special report - news - To do it on an industrial scale to make fuel for a nuclear reactor, around 3000 centrifuges are needed.

For reactor fuel, the gas needs to be enriched to about 3 per cent-5 per cent; this is called Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) or sometimes reactor-grade uranium.

For a nuclear bomb, it needs to be enriched to around 90 per cent. That's called Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) and sometimes weapons-grade uranium

This is what the Iranians are doing at Natanz. There, they have a pilot plant, which they plan to fit with around 1,000 centrifuges. It's unclear how many have been assembled and connected up, but Iran has been testing 20, according the latest IAEA report. They need to test them: centrifuges are temperamental machines.


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