Throw away your TV - 60 Minutes: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Throw away your TV - 60 Minutes: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: "60 Minutes: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mike Wallace is joined by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who hasn't spoken to the American media in six months. Very interesting timing. "
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Interesting comments:
Mike Wallace exaggerated his body language so much he looked silly. Ahmadinejad did well in the interview, but did not convince me. In a day and age when Bush spends most of his time dodging the press (and when, after all, he's supposed to be one of the 'good guys') I find it odd that I can't even contemplate him giving a similar interview.
By Phantamage, at 5:24 AMI went into the interview biased against the Iranian President but was pleasantly surprised to see him gracefully answer the questions and it makes me wonder if this administration that I support could redouble it's efforts in reaching out to people like him. I believe he made some valid points and was pleased to see that he does not appear to be the total radical that he is portrayed in the news media. I am not in full accord with the way that this administration is handling itself and believe that we should make every effort to resolve differences rather than dictate to other nations how they should live. After all they are sovereign nations and should be treated with respect. Nickie
I think that Almajdinajad treats his people very poorly, and do the governments of many countries. But more can be accomplished with talking than with war. Bush would not respond to his letter. I truly believe Bush wants war with Iran. And President Bush does what he pleases, with no regard to what the American people want.
This was an embarrassment. Wallace was a disaster. His "red baiting" was disgusting. Shame on Wallace and shame on the USA!
By spinoza750, at 3:00 AM
By Nickie Stevens, at 12:19 PM