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Monday, July 17, 2006

Wildly disproportionate attack on Lebanon seems like pretext to confront Iran

ShoutWire - Wildly disproportionate attack on Lebanon seems like pretext to confront Iran

Why do we say there is a chance, a good chance, a fifty-fifty chance that the whole Iran regime is a staged event? Our government in 1953 overthrew Mossadeq by using staged terror attacks. We put the Shah in, then in 1979 he gets overthrown. The CIA, operating out of Paris, was admittedly involved with the overthrow. The CIA then flies in the Ayatollah Khomeini, who they had been protecting for decades, from Paris to Iran and suddenly he grabs a bunch of hostages. The crisis is all blamed on Jimmy Carter and Reagan, under the control of Bush Sr., former CIA director, signs a back-room deal for hundreds of millions in missile launchers, weapons guidence systems, and cash for the Iranians to hold the hostages until the day of Reagan's inauguration. As soon as Reagan takes office, the hostages are released. Reagan comes out looking like a tough guy. It was all staged.

We know Bill Clinton in 1998 sent 45 million dollars into Iran who then funded Al Qaeda. This is all in a public Senate report by the Republicans: the plan was to attack the Serbs, blow up school buses, attack schools, using Al CIAda who is always starting fires and doing the globalist bidding. The serbs fought back and Al Qaeda was forced to pull out. Now we see Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doing everything he is supposed to do to seemingly help push along a war on his own country by the US and Israel.


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